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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. My apologies for not being clear in my attempt to whine. Is he really "about to be indicted" was what I was trying to ask. So why hasn't he been indicted by now for just that alone? Not holding my breath.
  2. Why Republicans Could Win Oregon's Governorship For The First Time In 40 Years Goddammit. The R candidate is full Q-Anon too.
  3. It isn’t just Beto/Abbott. There are other gubernatorial races where the difference stances are being called out. I think the timing and the intentional forcing of “take a public stance on this issue” was a deft move. Opposition to the drug wars as a an issue alone crosses party lines with the voters, no matter what the politicians say.
  4. The bit about Governors was well timed
  5. Speaking of GOP. Not one R would ever do what Biden just did today. If only red state voters weren't for cutting their own throats so much.
  6. Read the whole thing. I'm a bit choked up. What a historical moment.
  7. To nobody's surprise: Walker’s Christian fans unfazed by abortion revelations
  8. I could be and probably am very off base here. But I sometimes feel like all of these 'controversies' are actually stoked mainly for attracting eyeballs and clicks to 'news' stories about them. And in some instances to help sell films. Meaning perhaps a few nutters that nobody should be paying attention to anyway say something about black Ariel. Then some folks find those tweets or Insta posts and go HAM with counter memes, tweets, posts, e.t.c. Then we all go click on some website to read bout the hubub. The phrase 'perpetual outrage machine' comes to mind. Not sure who coined it, so if that is a loaded phrase, forgive me. But were there really all that many people upset about the flute playing? So that then I'm bombarded with the counter memes about folks I would never know about in the first place? We need an 'ignore' button for most the internet these days it seems. Apologies if I'm off base here. Maybe because I haven't had cable in so many years I'm very wrong and Fox nightly went off on all this, and CNN did the 'they're saying all this' stuff. It just all starts to feel like a ploy to get me to pay attention to things I would normally never even know.
  9. Yep. And again, pretty much same in Oregon. And probably some other states that aren’t hellbent on theocracy.
  10. All it took was me not paying for a year. Congrats, dudes.
  11. Heh. Young me would say that. Older me has learned that boards like this have folks from all over, including many who lurk more than post and I do not want to insult anyone. I would just say I am happy to not live there anymore as it’s not for me.
  12. You wrote "Come a HH or tailgate I bet you wouldn’t be as sure in those checks your mouth is writing," which in my interpretation was "you aren't brave enough to talk to me like that because you'd be scared of me kicking your ass." Implied violence. Or at minimum implied serious business. Harkened back to the days on Austin360 when I think Billhorn and I forget who were going to meet under the bridge for fisticuffs. Don't think it was over politics though. I myself definitely wouldn't talk at you or with you about such things in person. Just as I normally never enagage with you online. Ignoring and moving on is easy for me.
  13. Been a long time since I've read a fight threat on this type of site. Will there be a meeting under the bridge on Congress?
  14. Somehow I thought this was going to end with "THE ARISTOCRATS"
  15. https://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/lets-indict-Donald-Trump-already-17476360.php
  16. Nothing to offer other than I am sorry to read this, and I root for you. I hope somehow, some way, it winds up working out for you.
  17. OR something similar, but it was quite a bit bigger for our tax return: https://www.thenewsguard.com/news/oregon-taxpayers-to-share-3b-kicker/article_3ab9aae2-d6d7-11ec-b9a3-17b6fc3dd609.html Not competing, just noting similarities.
  18. So, uhm, didn't seem to take too long to charge these folks. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-charges-ex-army-major-his-wife-over-alleged-plot-leak-military-health-data-2022-09-29/ Just sayin'
  19. A Party Built Entirely On Lies. Nothing new for this crowd. Still, hope it gets some traction.
  20. I do like the way she says Tee Rump. Maybe that's how I should say it too.
  21. for whatever silly reason "Derkala Jones" made me truly laugh out loud. thank you.
  22. somewhat surprised it got $1 billion in private financing.
  23. Last clip I saw of Bannon, he was in cuffs. Is he out already?
  24. This could go in multiple threads (Abbott, Desantis). but everything Newsom says here I agree.: https://www.msnbc.com/alex-wagner-tonight/watch/-we-need-to-call-them-out-gov-newsom-wants-democrats-to-push-back-on-gop-governors-149408837659
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