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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. All the quotes I am seeing from that speech are fantastic. And dead on.
  2. Mostly feeling doomed, but holding out hope, you head up the stairs hoping for the Adminstration wing. Nope, nope. Did you say 'Administration?' Sorry, comrade. That was the Defenstration Wing. On your way, you wonder if that joke works in Russian. Probably not.
  3. Man, you make an appointment for your annual physical. They tell you this year its not on the first floor like most years. Rats.
  4. In a just world this would be enough to kick him off the court.
  5. Such a foul evil man: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/texas-governor-buses-migrants-chicago-amid-border-security-dispute-2022-09-01/
  6. It’s all a bit Aggie-ish so maybe he was thinking of the Wracking Crew.
  7. Not being Surly Elite, I'm pretty sure I could be very comfortable for the rest of my quiet, reputationally ruined life with 20 million smackers.
  8. There was an article I skimmed a while back about his lawyers trying to deal with him during impeachment times. One of the parts that stood out was them begging him not to tweet about something and getting his reassurance that he wouldn't. After leaving they wouldn't get to the end of the driveway before their phones lit up with him tweeting exactly what they asked him not to discuss. Edit: Found it. I was wrong about the time frame but anyway (whole quote is worth it--last line seems to be prescient): https://www.salon.com/2022/08/17/everyones-saying-no-hires-florida-insurance-lawyer-as-top-attorneys-refuse-to-work-for-him/
  9. different video of what I'm assuming is same event here: https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/x05kk9/armed_antifa_protects_drag_brunch_in_texas/ This clip focuses primarily on one upset, whiny Maga in a Rangers shirt.
  10. I don't really disagree with any of this. But it still would be really nice and refreshing to see justice for just one of his many crimes. Agree it wouldn't change his followers or the rot at the root of all this. But it would still be a glorious day.
  11. Other Surly member is OK as well. Watching Police presser. Shooter was 20 years old. Two dead, one an 84 year old shopper. The other a 66 year old Safeway employee who engaged the shooter. A hero. Shooter died from self inflicted wound. Cops found molotov cocktails in shooter's vechicle and a sawed off shotgun as well.
  12. Wasn’t on the interwebs last night, so just now finding out. Sad news all around. Appreciate the thoughts, Judge. Edit: Bend subreddit indicates it was a kid/young person and there's a 'manifesto' floating about. Supposedly a colombine fetishist. Second edit: I'm not the only Surly member out here. I'll be checking in with the other I know to make sure he is OK.
  13. Just read through some of it thanks. Makes me sad. I hope more folks catch this and don't pile on.
  14. Seems that PPP shot got under her super thick reptilian skin.
  15. They don't care about logical consistency. Nor does their audience. There are no 'gotcha Fox' moments as it doesn't matter to their viewers. Got to give up on that notion. I get that social media loves "ha, Fox" but it has zero impact on anything, at all.
  16. Also wild that we've accepted this type of rhetoric as normal political speech now.
  17. Wow. That's a lot of winning for one week. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/immigration-daca-biden-federal-regulation-dreamers/
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