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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. Cartalk not going away. Some of you are missing the Forest(er) for the trees. But the attitude of blaming the poor for being as such sure seems typical.
  2. It read to me like telling people who are in bad situations to just go buy another car that gets better gas mileage. Which seems problematic. Maybe I'm misinterpreting. But a poor person stuck with whatever gas guzzling $2k car they happen to have isn't going to run out and buy a Prius. As well, it seems to ignore that consumer goods rise along with the increase in fuel prices. And typically even when those fuel prices go back down there isn't a corresponding decrease in the price of goods. This is all but one piece of the larger puzzle of course. The thread (and from here on out I'm not really aiming this at you per se) went about as I expected and seized upon all those poors making bad financial decisions while ignoring the astronomical amounts just printed up and given to the already wealthy (see the cares act for but one example). While the wealth gap gets larger and larger the man in charge has the audacity to say "Americans have to sacrifice." If only the poor would give up their fancy iphones and that avocado toast. We have great big safety nets for those rich enough to take advantage of them. By the way, we actually don't "have to sacrifice." They could just as easily give everyone money for gas if they wanted to, but they don't. Just like they could give us all free health care and education, but they don't. Or they could quit giving billions to say, Israel, while telling us that we have to sacrifice. And then us willing guppies say "hey poor people, quit driving as much and shut up." Argue about the polls as much as we want, there's a very large amount of folks left behind economically. Plenty of them with college degrees, btw. And the generations after the millennials have it even worse. I don't know why I rail about it other than to express frustration I suppose.
  3. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/01/09/trends-in-income-and-wealth-inequality/
  4. "At the start of 2022, 64% of the U.S. population was living paycheck to paycheck, up from 61% in December and just shy of the high of 65% in 2020, according to a LendingClub report." https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/08/as-prices-rise-64-percent-of-americans-live-paycheck-to-paycheck.html
  5. Well I just read his Wikipedia entry. Uh, fuck that guy.
  6. Good tracks. I'm not with it enough to get your last sentence, so it's over my head either way. He seems to get attention on r/hiphopheads. And I remember "Super Gremlin" from a few months back.
  7. I'm not siding with Greenwald here but some of the "here's a capture Russian soldier" videos have made me a bit uncomfortable. There was one where it sure seemed like the soldier was reading a script he was told to read or reciting lines he was told to recite. Maybe its all the Vietnam War stuff I've seen where we didn't quite appreciate that going on when our folks were captured.
  8. Glad I revisited. Saw a "ZZ Top coming this summer" type of announcement and did a double take.
  9. The Evacuation Route from Mariupol is Mined, Corridors Lead to Russia and Belarus https://www.novinite.com/articles/214142/The+Evacuation+Route+from+Mariupol+is+Mined%2C+Corridors+Lead+to+Russia+and+Belarus
  10. whoa! you're almost as old as armybrat!
  11. I forgot to note that the batmobile chase scene in iMax was very very awesome.
  12. Pretty much this. Enjoyed the first two hours. Somewhere in the third hour was really ready for it to end.
  13. Me either so I searched the name. From the AP: So since he wasn't totally crazy someone crazier will get the nomination.
  14. Just joyriding with your buddies. In a Russian tank. https://old.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/t514y6/members_of_territorial_defense_are_stealing_the/
  15. A million smackaroos! https://www.jpost.com/international/article-699098
  16. Oh hey, while you're here...I let my athletic sub expire. Just didn't read it enough. If you still have your sub could you post this one for me? https://theathletic.com/3158171/2022/03/02/rosenthal-mlbs-owners-had-every-advantage-and-still-it-wasnt-enough-for-them/ TIA
  17. Fuck Manfred. Fuck the owners. That is all.
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