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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. sounds like it was never close and MLB was using the false 'we're close' to put blame on mlbpa
  2. Whole thing a depressing reminder that while the game is beautiful, the organization itself is utter crap.
  3. Not an Elon fan, but good for him: https://teslanorth.com/2022/02/28/ukraine-receives-truckload-of-starlink-terminals-gives-thanks-to-elon-musk-pic/
  4. My parents watched that dude every night. I hate that he's still alive.
  5. When they really made it difficult and started blocking smart dns tools, that's when I said fuck 'em. They had already annoyed me by putting in commercials and the same highlight video over and over instead of just leaving the logo up between innings.
  6. That's the thing about insta-news through social media. Through the fog of war its pretty difficult to tell what's actually happening. In this case, I obviously hope that this bit of news (captured vs dead) is true.
  7. https://www.joe.co.uk/news/snake-island-sailors-319998
  8. Am I crazy that this spooks me a bit? Can totally see this madman launching out of spite.
  9. seems significant https://www.reuters.com/world/ukraines-zelenskiy-welcomes-peace-talks-proposals-video-message-2022-02-26/
  10. He also threatened nukes against anyone who helped the Ukraine. As someone who remembers the 80s sure brings back some unpleasant feelings. Just the fact that he's uttering these threats is something else.
  11. https://news.yahoo.com/russia-military-repurcussions-finland-nato-163803214.html
  12. Other than when I see it in articles, not usually a twitter person anymore. This person's feed (some of the clips have already been posted in this thread) is worth a follow right now, however.
  13. They were always interesting to watch. Intelligent badasses.
  14. Yeah. I'm guilty of skimming the thread due to the usual suspects.
  15. I will quickly defer to the more knowledgeable, but the cut them off from SWIFT sentiment sounds like 'be careful what you wish for.' https://apnews.com/article/biden-putin-russia-sanctions-e7cf432771171840f7ed70542b891a6e
  16. https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t0ikk3/a_protester_in_russia_shouting_arrest_putin_not/
  17. thread is moving fast so SIAP: https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t0hm79/large_crowd_of_antiwar_protestors_in_st/ Moving. Esp considering what these folks are risking in order to protest.
  18. The second one. Where Trump just displays his typical brilliance and Fake News Host displays her reptilian morality.
  19. "A father who sent his family to a safe zone bid farewell to his little girl and stayed behind to fight ..." https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t0b99r/a_father_who_sent_his_family_to_a_safe_zone_bid/ hard to watch.
  20. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/24/no-choice-but-to-invade-ukraine-kremlin That's some bravery.
  21. Always liked this one with Cornell doing his thing on the end of it:
  22. Man, sucks. Loved Screaming Trees and as mentioned above really enjoyed his solo album "Bubblegum." There it goes. There goes my youth, my twenties. Dammit.
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