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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. I will quickly defer to the more knowledgeable, but the cut them off from SWIFT sentiment sounds like 'be careful what you wish for.' https://apnews.com/article/biden-putin-russia-sanctions-e7cf432771171840f7ed70542b891a6e
  2. https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t0ikk3/a_protester_in_russia_shouting_arrest_putin_not/
  3. thread is moving fast so SIAP: https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t0hm79/large_crowd_of_antiwar_protestors_in_st/ Moving. Esp considering what these folks are risking in order to protest.
  4. The second one. Where Trump just displays his typical brilliance and Fake News Host displays her reptilian morality.
  5. "A father who sent his family to a safe zone bid farewell to his little girl and stayed behind to fight ..." https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/t0b99r/a_father_who_sent_his_family_to_a_safe_zone_bid/ hard to watch.
  6. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/24/no-choice-but-to-invade-ukraine-kremlin That's some bravery.
  7. Always liked this one with Cornell doing his thing on the end of it:
  8. Man, sucks. Loved Screaming Trees and as mentioned above really enjoyed his solo album "Bubblegum." There it goes. There goes my youth, my twenties. Dammit.
  9. Decided I want to learn to ollie at age 51.
  10. Man I'm slow. I knew the cap reminded me of something.
  11. I kind of wonder if he's going senile. Maybe he was always off his rocker and I didn't notice, but sure seems to be going off in multiple threads with the crazy lately. Ah well, the ignore list grows.
  12. Believe I mentioned a co-worker I was surprised to find out was an ant-vaxxer. Before I knew that fact I had launch with him last year (I was already fully vaccinated). He played it off as “I just haven’t got around to it yet.” Before I knew that I was excited to meet him as my team is fully remote and I happened to be visiting an area near where he lived. Plus he and I were working together daily. He always was nice and seemed cool. His excuse turned out to be bullshit as he let me know months later he had to meet with HR to verify his non-vaxx status. Well it finally caught up with him. He has been sick for 8 days and says “This thing is kicking my butt. I have lost 12 lbs and I can barely stay awake” He is a fitness buff btw. I take no joy in his illness and I worry for him. If only there was something he could have done.
  13. I'm betting you've read a lot of Roger Angell. I can't claim to have read his books, but he wrote this essay on aging a while back that reminds me I should. That essay is from 2014. Checked wikipedia and he is still alive and 101 now.
  14. Apparently this is where you display your inability to think.
  15. A mentally ill BLM activist definitely discredits the entire idea behind Black Lives Matter.
  16. For sure. Although some of the nature stuff on Disney+ has been nice as well. Someone shared their HBO max with me, so I have that and it isn't costing me anything.. Also have about 1/2 a year left of 'free' AppleTV+ from buying an iPhone. And then there is Amazon Prime. I got FuelTV+ b/c I like that kind of 'action sport' programming (also use the free RedBull TV app on Apple). And if baseball decides to have a season this year I'll most likely be watching that during the warmer months. All that said, my wife's main viewing is all Netflix, so I'm keeping it. Just needless bitching on my part I guess.
  17. Yeah, my lists of things to watch are huge and I really never get to them all. You're right about cable.
  18. 20 bucks a month has me re-evaluating my Netflix sub for some reason. Maybe it is because Disney+ is so comparatively cheaper. I'll probably keep it, but seems steep.
  19. Ryan Zimmerman retires.
  20. I don't watch any cable news, but last I checked CNN never had to use that defense. That also to me means that Fox should be forced to drop "news" from their branding.
  21. also, this https://news.yahoo.com/michael-arace-major-league-baseball-110618043.html
  22. Reddit reminded me that today would be the day pitchers and catchers report were it not for the lockout.
  23. I like the cap
  24. If only this worked with my wife's chihuahua.
  25. Not to mention the folks suffering from long covid. And then things like this. I don't think I care about Rogan either way all that much. But this thread full of his defenders showing off their love of harmful stupid is really something.
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