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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. Well, love them or hate them, they're here to stay.
  2. omg, and it was Toro.
  3. whoa, what the hell? we shut them out?
  4. I don't typically watch these things, so perhaps this happens often. But I was struck by how close those people with cameras/phones followed the cops during the arrest. Seems foolish.
  5. Oh yeah, not to mention as far as I know Diabetes and Cancer aren't contagious.
  6. Here's another theme they seem to like: That one always gets me. Yes, I agree, Cancer treatments and insulin should be free! However, the vaccine being "free" to you has nothing to do with those. (She's dead, btw)
  7. I tried hard, I did. My name is Mc Fresh Breath, and I'm an addict: https://old.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pf7ct6/what_happened_to_my_body_my_choice_guess_that/
  8. Not complaining, btw. Just noting. Today is the first time missing letters have shown up for me. Brave Browser on desktop. Edit: It is apparently a dark theme only thing for me.
  9. This! Glad I'm not the only one. Has happened for a long time now. This is the only site I frequent where it happens.
  10. Have seen some discussion already. But put this way, well wow. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-31/moderna-jab-spurs-double-pfizer-covid-antibody-levels-in-study?srnd=premium
  11. You have heard him even if you weren’t aware. In addition to so much well known reggae and dub his nfluence and innovation is all over so many styles of music. I used to have the “Arkology” box set, which was tremendous. Those albums jn the Rolling Stone write up are also very good starting points. I haven’t listened to some roots/dub in way too long. Time to fire up some good vibrations.
  12. Marmelejos gets called up. Marmelejos hits a home run.
  13. Well, that sucked.
  14. Another confirmation of what I did. J&J shot in April. "Boosted" that with a Moderna shot in July. I lied on the form and told them I had no insurance. They auto-set an appointment for me for the second shot, which I fulfilled on Friday. No serious side effects. Sore arm, and extra sleepy on Friday. Which has been my pattern for all of the shots so far. So, two vaccine cards now. Figure I'm on the Moderna train from now on until told otherwise.
  15. That. Was. Awesome.
  16. Marmolejos back up. Mariners social media account has a seizure attempting to show tonight's linuep:
  17. Well, if we're in allowance mode, I won't allow it, because it distracts from reality. The reality is the anti-vaxxers are the ones dying, and they're filling up ICU's causing others who need care to suffer. The fact that you even bring up Cuomo on a cartoon that should be apolitical is telling. But you have the understanding of the politics that make up the majority of anti-vaxxer stances, so you feel the need to pull a whataboutism that has nothing to do with the issue. Another troll going to the ignore list.
  18. You obviously have a misplaced axe to grind, but I'll help with you the joke. See, the joke is referring to anti-vaccination excuses leading to death. Your Cumo bit has nothing to do with anti-vaccination bits as far as I know. Hope that helps.
  19. I don't get it.
  20. Calling everyone else sheeple while injecting with livestock medication.
  21. I would obviously be thrilled to be wrong. But the Mariners just lost 3/4 at home to the Royals. In one of those games they had 30 LOB. 30. Not good, bob. I will do as I always do and try to take joy from individual moments and player development (Kelenic's HR yesterday was great to see). If the games are even close it would be an improvement against Houston.
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