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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. In your post before the post about your brother, you equated Desantis to Fauci. You did this on the political side of the board. Now you get snarky when people call you out on your bullshit.
  2. Update--I kept the appointment just now. Like I said, figured it puts me further out from the booster rush. Also, I think in the future I'll claim team Moderna and leave my J&J ways behind me.
  3. I know the "Body For Life" dude went through it and barely lived. And there are stories of some truly healthy folks getting fucked by this as well. I'm no fat shamer, but I do believe in being honest about one's situation. Look at that dude and see the fat hanging off his sides. Big shirt doesn't cover the fact that he is (was?) a walking comorbidity. And it seems the vast majority of these LeopardsAteMyFace HermCainAward types are all in that category. Yet, somehow so sure they're not at risk. Right until they die. Edit: Dude even lumps himself in with 'healthy people.' Were there no mirrors in his home?
  4. Doc is off here if that is truly what he said to you. People "on the left" (which, btw, means anyone not fucking willfully ignorant) are pissed that DeSantis is actively trying to kill his population. If he pushed the need for vaccines (much less didn't actively work AGAINST THEM) he wouldn't have to push Regeneron. Also, the same 'people on the left' tend to listen to doctor recommended treatments, which is why (hippies aside) they tend to be vaccinated in higher numbers in the first fucking place. Glad your brother is going to make it. But 'people on the left' didn't politicize this thing.
  5. And then Kikuchi imploded.
  6. I don’t normally hand out neg rep….
  7. Bases loaded and Fraley gets a walk RBI
  8. Do I want a France or Toro jersey?
  9. I'm late to the party as usual, but this whole album is really damn good, regardless of the genre.
  10. Some more old school sounds being carried onward today. The album title "666 goats carry my chariot" is really great.
  11. Fuck Around And Go Broke (even if you don't croak)
  12. More like swine flu amirite?
  13. https://marinersblog.mlblogs.com/mariners-claim-lhp-sean-doolittle-off-waivers-from-cincinnati-3bba69ac85ee
  14. I don't doubt posturing, but I do doubt "Their rhetoric was undermining the process." Like, a lot.
  15. You read fast. On the off chance you didn't read it, I'd like to know how this rhetoric somehow caused the anti-vaxx movement:
  16. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/23/tiktok-posts/biden-harris-doubted-trump-covid-19-vaccines-not-v/ Not sure if that's the rhetoric you're referring to or not. Saying you don't trust Trump is not the same as not trusting a vaccine, imo. Trump said Covid would go away at one point, just magically. We don't need to go over the rest of what he said. When just about every sentence uttered was a lie, every tweet a source of misinformation, it isn't hard to say I don't trust the dude, and I'll wait for the experts. I don't think that rhetoric hurt, and I'm no defender of those two.
  17. The post you went after was a summation saying they (Dem politicos) would take the vaccine if Fauci deemed it safe. Same thing in most folks' minds as saying if the experts deemed it safe. It seems all of your criticisms are in regards to post vaccine rollout which is irrelevant to the original point. At any rate, the idea that Biden/Harris somehow scared otherwise normal folks into becoming anti-vaxxers is patently ludicrous. Edit: I know you weren't arguing that, just throwing it in there.
  18. Pretty sure satire died about 4.5 years ago.
  19. If it weren't for the peripheral damage to those who can't get non-covid treatments, and the stress and pain on our medical providers, I would be great with this sentiment. Hell, I'm all for the covidiots dying off. But they're harming the rest of us while they're at it. Oh, and there's the whole vector for yet another variant thing.
  20. Is there any chance the automagic runner on 2nd in extras goes away next year?
  21. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/26/health/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.html Worse. Worse AFTER having these miraculous vaccines in play. Fucking amazing.
  22. So sorry for your personal loss. I have appreciated all the venting from you and trauma babe. It is insight I don't get as much of elsewhere. Vent as much as you need, and again, very sorry for what you're going through.
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