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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. Well you know, they've done the research.
  2. I'm pretty sure we're awesome fun as long as we aren't playing the Astros or NYY.
  3. Welp, made national news in this video: https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/08/25/people-arent-getting-cancer-surgery-because-were-full-of-covid-patients-says-oregon-doctor.html
  4. Douglas County and Jackson County Oregon. First, a reddit post: Now, the Sherriff's turn: Now for a reddit report from Eugene: So yeah, fuck all these anti-vaxxer idiots. Fuck the Sherriff of Douglas County in particular. I'm not sure the Herman Cain Awards is enough for me anymore. These people are fucking over so many innocent people now (have read of people in great physical pain awaiting cancer surgeries that should have already happened for example) that we really need to quit treating the unvaccinated. At the very least, the ICU beds need to be de-prioritized for them. I mean, if a Sheriff can ignore a State mandate can hospitals not start to make the rational decisions required?
  5. 50 buckaroos. They will give you fifty bucks to not die a horrible death. Must be a catch.
  6. https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/michael-ryan/article253707348.html I do feel sorry for the children left behind by their idiot parents. The idea of the kids carrying guilt over it forever had not even crossed my mind.
  7. Baseball reference goes for it: https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/SEA/2021.shtml
  8. Again, I could cut and paste quite a few here for you all, and the reps would be fabulous. Best reps ever, believe me. https://old.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/ Seems there's already plenty of Sturgis ones in there as well. Enjoy, but be careful, I'm telling you, this stuff is addicting.
  9. Nobody saw this coming. (everybody saw it coming)
  10. At age 51 I have a hard time accepting being old. I have an even harder time accepting this world of so many stupid people. Stupid people who would harm themselves and everyone else by proxy. I am not calling myself a genius, or even all that intelligent. But I know enough to listen to those who are experts in their fields. Back in the 80s if you told me how many technological advances we would have at my age now I would have assumed that world was full of smart people and run by even smarter people. Naïveté of youth I suppose. The technology to fight this killer virus in such a relatively short time is amazing. And yet the stupidity of the masses brings us down. It’s depressing.
  11. Saw this idea on reddit, and maybe on this thread somewhere as well. "Sneak" real covid vaccination shots into livestock stores. Call it super-ivermectin or something without the word vaccine in it. Track it in a quasi-reverse sting operation. Publish some facebook and other social media posts about 'the treatment the Joe Biden and the government doesn't want you to know about. Requires two doses just like the vaccine...."
  12. Number one on Mac's list, and one plenty of folks called ahead of time. Another one I just saw was "the FDA recalls stuff all the time...."
  13. yep. Moving of the goal posts to commence in 3..2…. That stated, the amount of employers with vaccine mandates should go up fast I hope.
  14. You can almost feel good about this team until we play the Astros.
  15. Whoa! Turns out God does answer prayers!
  16. I was out and about last night. Strange we had a night off it seems.
  17. First world nation. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/mobile/article/news/verify/sick-covid-patients-on-the-ground-waiting-for-monoclonal-therapy/77-165d31f7-fc0d-4654-9add-e8db9d0c0d4b
  18. The exact same score two nights in a row?
  19. Good one. This bit: Is definitely preaching to the choir. The lack of basic ability to reason is a pre-requisite to become one of these people. This, though. This is the one I try not to think too much about: Doomed.
  20. “A shot would have saved him,” Family grieves after father who called vaccine a government conspiracy dies of COVID-19 https://kfor.com/news/local/a-shot-would-have-saved-him-family-grieves-father-who-died-of-covid-19-thinking-vaccine-was-government-conspiracy/
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