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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. An endless opportunity to see Trumpkins (and some random whackadoos) get comeuppance of sorts. Not sure if folks clicked on through to that thread, but the redditors in there dug up a lot on these two human wastes of space. She died, and did so while having that as her facebook avatar. I don't really do facebook, but apparently as of yesterday their facebook pages were open and much was discovered. Surrounding in quotes for the good times. It really seems like it couldn't have happened to a finer couple. She would then go on to drop dead from covid. She would then go on to become another covid statistic that could not be "saved" Little did she know she would be one of the not so many people who would not get better She was on trumps juice and an avid watcher of OANN and Newsmax. She spent this entire year laughing off covid only to die from it scared and alone. They always talk about how covid has a 99.4% recovery rate(which is false but w e) because they never think they will end up being the .8% that die from it. She was also a Secretary for the Aroostock County Republicans, so that's one less voter and supporter for their party. Sacrificed owning the libs. I want to make a custom card with all of her anti-covid statuses and mail it to that Republican group she worked for with a big letter "F" in the middle. On the front of the card will be a liberal crying and an "owned" under it. Here's the Facebook feed: https://www.facebook.com/cindy.johansen.5
  2. schadenfreude time:
  3. As riveting as this is, I am not staying up for it.
  4. Just now tuned in. Good gravy.
  5. Or we could just chuckle at the joke and move on.
  6. It works. But sometimes I just want to weep. Would also apply in an empathy situation. I often 'like' some post that is a sad post as my way of saying "hang in there." Feels strange at times.
  7. But at least my governor isn't an insane psychopath trying to actively kill me.
  8. I really appreciate all the thankless work @immamac does for this place. Would love a 'crying' +rep reaction option at this point.
  9. Obviously bitching about my State, but could apply in most places. Not only was the vaccine free, Oregon gave money to people to get it. Like, there was a lottery and the grand prize winner got a million bucks. A person from each county in Oregon won $10k. All for just doing the goddamn right thing. And yet: I may post this every day--fuck each and anti-vaxxer out there. Right in the goat ass!
  10. Yep. Fully expect them to show up on the leopardsatemyface subreddit. And note how many kids they have. "Idiocracy" was too damn prophetic. The stupids outbreed us all.
  11. Pretty please with sugar on top do not fall for the abortion topic.
  12. Perfect summary of last night from Lookout Landing.
  13. Very sorry to read.
  14. Oh, I'm good. Believe it or not my far right Pat Robertson/Benny Hinn crazy parents got the vaccine as soon as they could. Lots of mental leaps in their world, but that joke everyone tells about how God says I sent you all this help-->my parents have always liked that joke. Plus, my mother said the vaccine must have been safe because if it wasn't "the media would have blamed it all on Trump." Whatever it takes.
  15. So much for coasting.
  16. Holy crap. Extra innings for this game.
  17. No kidding. Why did JP or Mitch even take the bat off their shoulders?
  18. Things get interesting
  19. That’s a bad start to the 9th for us. Good for Spy.
  20. I really hope the Mariners sign some bats this off season
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