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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. Yeah, but they're trying already to cast it in a different light of course. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/19/us/politics/pentagon-gop-bill.html
  2. Normally I would say this come back is overplayed. But in this instance it really feels appropriate for anyone obsessing on this stuff.
  3. In fairness to Skipper, he was answering me and I was derailing. That broad swaths of this country have been persuaded that such things that he listed are 'extreme' is truly one of the major issues facing this country. Not saying Skipper is the issue. There are unfortunately tons who feel the same way. Unlimited Pentagon budgets aren't extreme. Proliferation of billionaires while the income gaps increase broadly not extreme. Climate change not extreme. Crap, I'm derailing again, sorry. To get back to Biden--I do think his age is a concern. Not a 'oh my, I don't want to vote for him' because the alternative is flat out nazism. But as McConnell has shown, you can be fine one day (totally evil but obviously quite cogent) and then drop off the next. To me, that's concerning. Not concerning enough to give the Executive Branch over to the loony bin, but still troubling to me. Barring an Eagleton moment VP choices don't matter in elections. Well, maybe Palin damaged McCain but Obama was going to win that one either way imo.
  4. No reason to be a dick. I took issue with your characterization of 'extreme.' I would again ask which of her ideas are extreme, but it should be another thread really. Ah, well there you have it. Perhaps you do view anything remotely progressive as 'extreme.' Has Biden enacted 'extreme' policies in your view?
  5. 53 and between Austin and now Bend I can't remember the last time I needed a sport jacket. Yay, I"M STILL YOUNG THEN! WOOOO
  6. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/20995-let’s-reach-around-the-aisle-attractive-elected-officials/?do=findComment&comment=5522165
  7. I always have very mixed feelings reading the threads on Texas politics (and the blast furnace thread). Surly is one of the main ways I 'keep in touch' with it all. On the one hand there is the relief and the reinforcement of 'man did we do the right thing getting out,' even if my primary reason was beautiful nature and a better climate for me, not necessarily politics at the time. On the other hand I still have so many friends and family back in Texas. Some of whom really and truly want to get out but can't find a way to afford that move either finanically or emotionally. Others who want to fight the good fight, damn the odds. And while I don't know most Surly folks in person, I have been entertained and educated by so many that I root for them to continue to have the best they can in life. So that other side of the relief for me getting out is just pure sadness for those who are left. Sadness and anger that this system and the assholes who wield it are beating those folks down.
  8. Attacks LGBTQ “for the children” while letting her tits hang out and gives her date a handjob with kids all around her. But the gays!!!
  9. lulz at 'extreme progressive.' like really. just goes to show what i've said in another thread. i don't want to really get into it and derail here, but maybe it's worth doing some self-refelction and historical study on why you think that's the case. but yeah, changing up the ticket would be seen as a sign of weakness and indeciveness, sure.
  10. Yeah, I was conflating some things there, but admittedly badly made point is that there is no real threat anywhere of some kind of leftist dictatorship in this country. Not only that, but we've so skewed the ideas of left and right over these past 20 years that even things that seem relatively common sense are only opposed due to the corporate brainwashing from our real overlords. Anything deemed remotely progressive has to be 'kept in check' and it seems we're pretty good at doing that.
  11. It would really suck to be under a leftist cult of universal health care, women's rights, proper taxation on billionaires, and moves to reduce man's impact on climate change. Then again, free college is also probably a looney left idea. I keep waiting for one of those 'crazy leftist' ideas that actually makes me say 'nope, sounds bad.'
  12. Man, I could not do a pass that costly.
  13. One isn't a "loonie on either side" if one disagrees with that assessment. From Wiki: that's tip of the iceberg. fuck all that.
  14. Its funny you mention Sammy, I was thinking about him the other day. Of course, only those of us who knew him could call him Sammy without getting punched in the nose. He was not exactly a push over. One time he and I were having lunch at The Muse, which I'm pretty sure is closed these days but only due to Jack Nicholson being stingy with his tips. Anyway, a little known fact about Sammy is he was really crazy for a good tomato bisque. Also, he truly loathed the Lakers. Now, The Muse didn't have tomato bisque on the menu, but they would run to the nearest 7-eleven and buy a can of Campbell's and trick ol Sammy into enjoying his meal. Well this particular day Kobe walks into the place and everyone but Sammy loses their marbles and starts fumbling. The waiter messes up and says "here's your campbell's sir, err, I mean." Well, too late. Sammy storms into the kitchen, finds the Campbell's can, and then storms back to the table, fuming. I tried to calm him down and offer him some of my eggplant parmesan, which seemed to be helping. Well, then a chorus of laughter erupts at Kobe's table and Sammy's face just reddened, like you know he did in the movies. He stands up, lobs the soup can towards Kobe's table. Luckily he missed Kobe or things could have got really ugly. Then Sammy started screaming "I GOT THE RIGHT STUFF! YOU AIN"T GOT IT, YOU CANNED SOUP SLURPER!" Kobe just stared and shook his head, went back to eating. The waiter and owner and chef all came out to apologize, and after a foot massage Sammy calmed down. So maybe instead of you know Trump dies so Biden dies like you theorize it just could be some angry but harmless can throwing, followed by some hollering of nonsense and the right foot massage to calm everyone back down.
  15. Video is blurred, but you get the idea (NSFW obvs): http://news.rr.nihalnavath.com/posts/Susana-Gibson-link-2fc38287
  16. https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-congress-oversight-republicans-impeachment-57c5b1b40d19ede4ecf7fde08c027cee
  17. Thanks, I appreciate it. It seems massive computing scale and GPU demand should stay reasonably high for the near foreseeable future unless I'm blind to some kind of drop off.
  18. I'm curious what thoughts are in regards to 'gold rush' and 'AI bubble.' To be clear, I'm not asking from an investor's POV, but it seems most of the talk and knowledge comes from investors. Potential job offer with a company that is in the field and dependent on the current demand.
  19. Hard to let go of power once you've been juiced.
  20. Glad you found an area that will for you Beau. I know you've been seriously searching from some time. Cheers from Central Oregon.
  21. https://www.salon.com/2023/09/11/has-his-own-age-problem--and-it-terrifies-him/ Editorial theorizes he's scared of impending dementia. This bit just completely cracked me up. "Senior Club Championship at a big golf club" put me in tears. Normally I just rage at the man, or roll my eyes or what not. But this one, whew, thanks Donny, that was funny.
  22. I hope I'm not in the "HURR DURR" category. I really am enjoying the show. Edit: good to read the different take oSuJeff97.
  23. Obviously not on her side. I type w/o thinking deeply sometimes. Probably the wrong word to use. I didn't mean it judgmentally (although he did kill a bunch of folks already), but his very stated goal is the return of Thrawn. As a viewer that's going to be awesome, but as a New Republic person that's not great. I stick with my opinion, the Rebels era Sabine wouldn't have done this. I mean, maybe she would have tried (and been unsuccesfu) to just run away with the map. But it is only my opinion, ofc.
  24. Fair enough. Can't recall if Sabine had her light sabre or not at that point in time. And the whole Baylon telling her she lost everyone again to me wouldn't have played with Sabine previously. Oh, I know, I'll give this thing to an obviously evil Jedi and hope it all works out. Which, I guess thanks to plot stuff it just might. It just really felt out of character for her imo.
  25. I know that they need some kind of plot vehicle to get to Thrawn and maybe Ezra, but boy was I disappointed that they turned Sabine into a weak willed dumbass in order for it to happen. Rebels era Sabine would have spray painted that Jedi's face and shot the map, imo. If you love Ezra like family, why undo his sacrifice? How many times did Ashoka ask if she could trust her? Otherwise enjoyed it.
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