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Mr. Drummond

Burnt Ends
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  1. For me its running that is the problem, i'm still a fairly big guy, 6'2ish / 235 with tree trunk legs. I grew up swimming, and biking is my strength (relatively) - i am almost "good" at cycling. But I just hang on in the runs and have accepted (for now) my 2:40 half marathon time. I get passed like crazy in the final hour of a triathlon because of my speed on the bike. I continue to work on my running. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, that's what makes triathlons fun.
  2. Booked my Airbnb for La Quinta / Indian wells 70.3. Guess I’m doing it ha.
  3. I dont care if we get money from the Girondists or the Jacobins, i just want a fucking interior offensive line that can get us a yard when we need it. Jesus you political people suck.
  4. Take a look at the T100 series. Las vegas is probably going to be october. Might give your knee enough time to heal.
  5. What’s everyone’s race schedule for the year. Right now mine is: 1/2 marathon Galveston - Feb Sprint tri - Jun Oly tri - Sept 70.3 - December.
  6. 31-13 Ohio state 287 yards no running game, turnovers, missed field goals. hope I’m wrong.
  7. 31-13 Ohio state 287 yards no running game, turnovers, missed field goals. hope I’m wrong.
  8. It was a hard fought season, no one knows what happened at the championship game / netflix.
  9. Unlike this thread which is thoughtful and serious, filled with nuance and well reasoned posts.
  10. My mother has one that she re-did in the 70s that is very very similar. She has turned down $2500.00 for it. Told her she should have taken the money.
  11. Yep. But you have to fill up the next 2 weeks of content somehow. "Texas hasn't beaten a top 25 team, so Clemson could give them a game" will be a top 3 discussion point.
  12. Typing aggy vs aggie is just efficiency. We are very busy important people.
  13. If you were 1/2 as smart as you think you are, you'd be really something.
  14. Well you got that Cristobal leaving helped and Jimbo was a star chaser right at least.
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