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Mr. Drummond

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mr. Drummond

  1. Show him the money, Cause i don't care.
  2. Clearly a sip troll. On number six he used their/there/they're correctly !!!!
  3. It’s still dumb.
  4. I’m not a flair on my car kind of guy, but even if you are, why would you brag about renting a house on 30a. I’m sure it was nice and all, but save your back window space for when you do something really amazing, like having a kid that is on an elementary schools’s honor roll.
  5. Been traveling for work, ran on hotel treadmills in 4 countries. Fun. I’m jet lagged AF but back in Texas tonight.
  6. Super cool, i normally don't like faux patina, but it really works on this one. i have a 46mm IWC big pilot. What is the size? Also, Sark rocking a submariner in today's presser.
  7. Is this a bit?
  8. Milfy moms in overalls with white little crop tops and fake tits is wheel house stuff man.
  9. T&Ps to any nfl team needing a starting qb in this draft.
  10. Blue and Bond talking and then golden going out and quietly getting it done is not exactly surprising.
  11. Golden with the 4.3
  12. Meat pimp graduated. Now we see if aggie rebuilds or reloads.
  13. As a father of two 25-30 year old girls (yah yah I know) I can tell you they both are heavily into Cartier. They don’t care about Rolex / AP etc. it’s all about the tank and panthere.
  14. Went out for about 15 min on the bike this morning, even all decked out just couldn't get warm. Came in and did a couple hours on zwift. Pappasitos in an hour. Then a nap.
  15. If only cook would have had an opportunity in a more convenient state.
  16. Hey we have one thing in common !!!
  17. Apple pay on my watch saved me. It wasn't just that there weren't that many stations, they were stationed unevenly and they were also pushing some off brand electrolyte swill that was gross, pickle juice (also gross) or a cup with 2 tablespoons of water in it. In retrospect i should have just camped out at the aid station and drank 10 of the tiny sized cups of water until i got what i needed, verses, not being greedy and just grabbing a water and moving on.
  18. Ran the galveston 1/2 yesterday. Not fast, but at least broke my "worst case goal" time of 3 hours. Felt my hamstring all day long. It got hot and i even ran into walgreens on the course at about mile 9 and bought some water. The aid stations weren't great or numerous. Not a great day, but we got through it - and something i couldn't even think about doing a couple of years ago. So all good. Next up some "speed" work over the next couple of months and the Austin 10k.
  19. I’m a 56 year old formally morbidly obese back of the packer. I’m a 7hr 30 min 70.3 guy. It’s fun. There is always someone slower and fatter than you. Just enjoy the process and don’t stress about it. Every fast tri guy I have ever met has been cool with me. We all suffer out there and are all pushing as hard as we can. Whether that is 4 hours or 7 Us back of the packers just get more value for our money. I get 7 hours on the course, people like Clint get to be on the course for far less time
  20. I wouldn't get a school ring, but i guess i get it. I don't understand taking a picture under a giant ring holding a placard for the momentous occasion of ordering the ring. I really don't understand dressing like a homeless dude who just played basketball in the picture And I really really don't understand posting it for other humans to see.
  21. Hey, he didn't lie about trying to kill his wife. He good.
  22. Looking forward to all summer long aggy counting the Ohio state game as a loss for us. Then when we win, discounting it as luck because Ohio state lost both coordinators.
  23. Speaking of injuries before a race, i sort of strained/pulled my hamstring running at memorial park yesterday with the Galveston half next week. Sucks being old. It doesn't feel too bad, so i dont think it is a tear, but it does hurt. Guess i will be in super taper mode this week and just stay off of it and do what i can next week. Annoying.
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