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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by PW119

  1. Bump (thanks) Heading to Chicago to see Pearl Jam at Wrigley on Aug 31. Get out of the Texas heat. Where to stay? Went a couple years ago and stayed at Chicago Athletic Club. Loved the location, rooms were pretty small. Could stay there again but maybe head a little further north. Where to eat? Did Pequod’s- not for me. Gibson’s was good. Guess I gotta get an Italian Hot Beef(no injection) Where to score weed? Probably nice dispensaries everywhere. Thanks in advance.
  2. You know what has 7 arms and sucks?
  3. Just watched. Blown away.
  4. Really? Poor, sweet, sickly Hunter? The mean, old right wing is going after another helpless victim?
  5. Yeah, but why is Stallions on the SIDELINE in the CMU/MSU game? If you're collecting data to be used against MSU, just follow the usual MO and get video from the stands. Was he conveying sign info to CMU? This is nuts.
  6. This is ridiculous
  7. OK, I started denting my beer cans in college (30 years ago) and still do it today. It's pure habit now and I do it everytime. Might have picked it up from a roommate from Tyler but I'm not sure. East Texas origins?
  8. I guess you didn't see the video of the crane falling from the skyscraper. Could happen again you know.
  9. Taking the wife and kids to NYC for the 4th. Everybody wants to go to Coney Island to see the greatest living American (Sir Joseph Chestnut) defend the most coveted belt in American sport. It could be awesome or it could be a shitshow (maybe both). I can't find any information regarding attendance on the web. I guess you just show up and try not to get puked on. Anyone been? Any advise on getting to Coney Island -assume the subway is the best choice. Help would be appreciated.
  10. PW119

    Below Deck

    It's interesting how often Bravo allows the male crew to be sexually exploited (I guess that's the correct term). I mean, they're routinely subjected to sexual innuendo filled comments and put in tiny Speedos - told to prance around half naked to delight some middle-aged rich broads. Wonder what would happen if male guests made the same request of the female crew.
  11. I clicked on the Twitter link - didn't see anything that looked bad. What'd I miss?
  12. Appreciate the help. My insurance provides a new machine every 5 years - I have another 1-1/2 year to get there. Sent it back to the manufacturer this week for possible repairs (depends on price). My doc thought it would take about 4 weeks to get it back. Thinking of trying a Zyppah to bridge the gap. I feel pretty shitty and tired, need the CPAP back.
  13. Broke my CPAP last night and it’s pretty expensive to get a new one (about $2K). Should I grab a mouthpiece off Amazon as a quick fix?
  14. "Dog whistle" in Cloak Room is the same as "Natty" on the Football Board. Please, no more.
  15. Just got back from a long weekend with other 50 year old dudes. Would recommend a Phoenix Coyotes game. They are playing on campus at ASU while a new stadium is being built. Very small arena - all seats are very close to this ice. Golf is fantastic (obviously). Casino was OK. Best meal was Tomaso's. Some of the best Italian food I've ever had.
  16. FIL. Was a cool dude.
  17. EE2BF01C-9D97-4554-AF57-B06D7E849B98.MOV
  18. Loved when JuJu got revenge (I think it was JuJu).
  19. It’s almost like he gets paid per word Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'm thinking of ordering a Tahoe or Yukon. I really don't want a vehicle that's been sitting for months and months. Wonder if the cars that are sitting are already allocated for dealerships or if the manufacturer would just grab one and spec it to a customer's order. Might be best to wait a few months and hope things get back to normal. BTW, multiple dealers have told me they'd order the vehicle at sticker - no more / no less.
  21. These rubes went on and on about the #1 recruiting class in the country for 2022, but there's very little mention of it in these posts. Seems.....odd.
  22. Chris Simms was better than any Aggie QB in history outside of Johnny. And they should be very careful how they speak of Colt. He's arguably better than Johnny.
  23. The fuck? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Dead in Jourdanton. Fuck him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Or steal. Or tolerate those that do.
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