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Everything posted by bernorange

  1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/yen-carry-trade-unwind-is-not-done-yet-says-strategist/vi-AA1qKbvS Potential volatility stemming from the Yen carry trade unwind still in play...
  2. "... The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate, it's the sand of the coliseum. ..."
  3. I walked an old neighborhood this morning and heard roosters crowing from two different properties. Who raises roosters in the burbs? I saw a doctor yesterday. The nurse checking my vitals before I saw the doc was really amazed at my numbers (weight and blood pressure given my height and age) and told me to keep doing whatever I'm doing. My blood pressure (117 over 78) was the lowest I've recorded in a long time. I also seem to have trimmed off ~5 pounds since the last time I stood on a scale.
  4. Went for another ~3 hour walk this morning. There were no clouds in the sky and the harvest/super moon was really large and bright. I'm not really clear on how the gates of gated communities work. They generally have a pedestrian gate next to the gates for cars that has a keypad lock on both sides of the gate. Do you have to enter a code to exit the neighborhood? I generally avoid entering these neighborhoods if I see the gate open when I'm approaching, but this morning I came upon one where the car gate was stuck open, so I chanced it. Very nice homes back there. Two homes at the end of two different cul-de-sacs had a single political sign in their respective yards for some local candidates for something or other. I wonder why they bothered. I can't imagine they are getting any traffic, so who is the intended audience?
  5. I don't have a crystal ball, but I think we are about to see silver and gold run a bit. Today's prices might look like deals in a few weeks.
  6. Lol. Yeah, I've gotten odd looks while I map out parking lots before too. Once had a off duty cop that was apparently moonlighting as parking lot security at a Sam's club park at the end of the lot and watch me for a good 5-10 minutes. I'm sure he was quite confused as to what I was doing. Parking lots are better mapped in the early morning. Not only for the limited audience, but the concrete isn't yet an open air convection oven.
  7. Maybe we'll beat them by three touchdowns.
  8. Got a late start today and walked virgin territory in a new neighborhood. Saw a couple of possums (one crossed the street in front of me like a boss - ignoring me completely). I also was attacked by a single, solitary mosquito - the first and only one that has bothered me in all the 80+ hours I've been walking since I installed the Silencio app. I guess the county's mosquito spraying dept is doing work - I would have thought they would be ubiquitous following Beryl. A few more "deep thoughts" from my walks: - It's rare to see a newspaper of any kind (even the free local rags) in yards/driveways. I never see any of the delivery people either. It's a far cry from my youth when every driveway would have a Houston Chronicle, Houston Post or both. - Very few homes have political signs up this cycle. And of the homes that do have signs, 99% are for local races (mostly for positions on the local school board). I believe I've seen less than 10 signs for the POTUS or US Senate races. That's across numerous neighborhoods and probably 2,000+ homes.
  9. Last I saw (post debate), Nate Silver gave Trump 60+% odds to win the electoral college: https://www.natesilver.net/p/nate-silver-2024-president-election-polls-model
  10. Woke up a bit early today and walked for 3 hours. The sky was clear and Orion the Hunter watched me from just above the southern horizon. Some random thoughts regarding walking around before sunrise: - It's a small blessing when you are walking a sidewalk and you come upon a yard with an active sprinkler system and all the heads are actually spraying water into the yard instead of the sidewalk. - Surprisingly, the most common critters that I've spied in many hours of walking the early morning hours are rabbits. I would have thought cats would have been more common, but they are actually fairly rare to see. I see at least 4-6 rabbits every morning. - When I was a kid, you could hardly walk around when the sun was down without running across a toad every couple of minutes. These days, I'm surprised when I see one. Either the population has been severely diminshed or they have learned to avoid human suburbia. - Most folks that own expensive vehicles (Lambos, etc.) keep them out of sight in their garages. The big exception to this are folks that own Tesla Cybertrucks. Either they are wanting to show them off, or they are afraid of the vehicles combusting and burning their houses down.
  11. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/09/12/us-election-betting-cftc-loses-last-minute-bid-to-halt-kalshi-contract/
  12. Francine tracked further east than anticipated and barely dropped any rain on us, so I was able to go for a morning walk today. I had a route planned to finish capturing hexes in a subdivision that I had already walked roughly 60%. Twenty minutes into my 2 hour walk, my bowels started growling - announcing an urgent need to release the hostages. So I'm faced with a choice of either heading back and taking care of business (and aborting the morning walk) or powering through. I chose the hexagons. Powering through was a case of mind over matter. Thankfully, this isn't a Ryan's Steakhouse tale, but the last 40 minutes of my 2 hour walk was not pleasant. My bowels were working hard to revolt against the tyranny of the mind. When I finally got home and claimed my throne, there was much rejoicing.
  13. Nice. Got another 2.5 hour walk in this morning. Last day of good weather before Francine arrives. My legs felt like jello when I got home. It was difficult to hold a stretch on my right hamstring post walk. It sucks getting old. ~~~ I posted a pic/tweet earlier about my broken shoe adventure, but didn't elaborate on the constrained caption. Those shoes were some cheap walking shoes I had bought at Costco for around $15 some years ago. I only ever used them for walking - never for running/jogging/sports. They lasted at least 5 years for me. For about 4 days prior to the disintegration, I did some long 2-3 hour walking sessions and the soles of both shoes started to separate at the top/front of the shoes (by the tip of the toes). The day of the event, I had started my walk around 4am. I had been walking for a little over 2 hours and was on my way back home. That day happened to be the first day of this new school year. The shoe disintegrated while I was a block away from a local elementary school (which was on my route back home). It was around 6:30am when I had to walk by the school with my broken shoes and holding the sole of my right shoe. There was very heavy traffic around the school as parents were lining up to drop their kids off for the first day of school. I hobbled by and I'm sure I looked like a vagrant or something. It really was embarrassing.
  14. I managed to grab ~40 unique venue check ins in an hour or so at a local shopping mall that had a large outdoor shopping area develop in the last few years. Lot's of restaurants and such. I think whoever developed or manages the property must be submitting all tenants to the google maps thing.
  15. That's the end goal if the app takes off. This is still a young project though, so there's a bit of growing to be done before then. They are hoping to get their noise data integrated with Google Maps, Mapquest, etc. so folks see noise levels as another data point when viewing venues.
  16. Nice. I went for another long walk this morning. I had intended to walk a nearby neighborhood that I've never visited before. Looking at the map, I had planned a route/pathing for walking both sides of every street in an efficient manner (no wasted backtracking). The plan fell apart when I got there this morning as I found a long paved sidewalk trail that went around the back of the neighborhood along some woods and a creek that was really quite cool. I'll have to get the neighborhood another time. I've discovered a lot of little things like that while walking neighborhoods that I've never visited before. A while back I was walking through a nicer neighborhood (expensive homes) and when I got near the back, there was a dead end street that had those big signs in a brick wall announcing the name of the subdivision as some high falooten "Estates" something or other. Seemed strange to me that a subdivision would merit a sign like that when it was just one dead end street (even if the street was 2-3 blocks long). As I walked down this street I was admiring the huge houses - all of them easily somewhere between 6,000 and 8,000 sq. ft. - when it dawned on me that every one of the houses on this street were essentially the same floorplan. There were only minor differences and it was one of those "once you see it, you can't unsee it" things. It looked ridiculous. Cookie cutter construction McMansions. ~~~ So I managed to complete the 50k hexagon quest this morning on my 2.5 hour walk. Awesome weather. Anyway, redeeming the quest bumped me up to the diamond 10 tier. There are something over 300,000 people using the Silencio app (you can see this on the "home" tab of the app - it calls us "sensors"). The rightmost tab shows you what tier you are in. There are 10 leagues and 10 levels within each league. The leagues are supposed to represent 10% divisions of NOISE tokens earned (and the levels within each league presumably represent 1% divisions within the league's range). I made it to the top/final tier - top 1% with around 130k NOISE tokens earned so far. Silencio is supposedly developing (or has already developed, but not yet released to the public), a layer 2 crypto token built on the layer 1 PEAQ crypto token. PEAQ is a crypto system that is being built (with features) specifically for enabling DePIN projects. PEAQ itself appears to have numerous DePIN projects (like Silencio) that are building crypto reward systems on it. PEAQ is supposed to officially launch (go public) sometime this month. Silencio is going to distributing 5% of their Silencio tokens (or whatever they are going to end up calling them) to Silencio sensors (users) in batches according to whatever league/level you have attained as part of what they are calling a beta airdrop. They will do another (post-beta) airdrop sometime later (also based upon league/level) if I've understood correctly what they have been saying in their roadmap and X/Twitter posts. I'm guessing the beta airdrop will soon follow PEAQ's launch. I have no idea if that will ever amount to any real world value or not, but I've been enjoying the walking anyway.
  17. Last week was raining every day. This morning was cool with no humidity - awesome. I went for a 2 hour walk between 5am and 7am. Made to 48.5k hexes covered with 36k hexes unique. I should get 50k hexes covered in the next day or two if things work out.
  18. Appetiser and first course were satisfactory. Looking forward to an epic 4th quarter dessert.
  19. Awwwwww yeah!
  20. Big house tears on the menu today. Let the feast begin.
  21. Yep. I also have been walking sidewalks on both sides of the street. Even walking in the middle of the street if it's safe to do so. And yeah, there's no penalty to using it in a car. It's fine if you are a passenger. It just cuts off after 15-25 seconds.
  22. Awesome. It's really pretty simple to use. A few tips I've developed from my experience: Turn off wifi if you are walking around a suburb/neighborhood. It seems like sometimes when the phone transitions from a wifi hotspot, it loses internet for a few seconds and that can cause an active recording session to end prematurelyCheck your recording sessions periodically and end them (claim your tokens) every 5-10 minutes instead of going for 25-30 minutes. Sometimes the app crashes for whatever reason and it sucks to lose 15-20 minutes of recordingsthere are "quests" on the rightmost tab. Claim them when you complete them. I didn't notice them until after I had been using the app for a couple of weeks
  23. FYI (might be worth discussing with your doctor): https://www.coping-with-epilepsy.com/pages/piracetam/
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