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El Tri

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Everything posted by El Tri

  1. yup that's her. she was SMOKING
  2. wife next to me would have shanked me. it's all in the old noggin'
  3. I'm going off "your fruits". Your fruits are racism, bigotry, and hatred. Matthew 7:16 You will recognize them lby their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
  4. she was standing right in front us, in front of bevo under the goalposts. In a stadium full of hotties, she was the cream of the crop
  5. I'm still laughing over here at Johnny Sack's racist bitch ass thinking he's walking with Christ.
  6. wait what? never heard this before
  7. keep letting the love of christ flow through, Deacon Sack
  8. I was, then I grew up and realized I wasn't a dumbass who believed in all that fairy tale shit. I can't imagine the type of church that would have you as fucking deacon
  9. yeah but taking them to church and asking them to believe in a sky daddy definitely doesn't require suspension of reality
  10. not sure how i ever missed this thread. congrats on making the move and congrats on that hottie wife!
  11. oh man, reading through her updates was schadenfreude. fuck kyle and his karen wife
  12. don't pull permits and problem solved
  13. El Tri


    good luck bud
  14. El Tri


    any update? hope everything is ok
  15. they sold already, sorry SOLD
  16. seats are on the aisle, under the shade, with seatbacks. will include parking pass. section 9, row 69, seats 16-19 $400 total
  17. sent you a message. i have 4 available on the aisle with seatbacks, and a purple parking pass. section 9, row 69, seats 16-19 $400 for everything
  18. SOLD Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Lower level tickets, with seatbacks $500 each OBO Section 9, row 60, seats 16/17
  20. That game and the weather that day were the fucking worst Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. wife tested positive today for the first time this year. pain in joints, chills, headaches. felt like shit yesterday but she's feeling better today. i feel fine so far, but i haven't tested myself yet
  22. i want to say 10ish, but you can go to their website. ultraferry i believe
  23. republicans are all like, "what's the problem here?"
  24. maybe the fucking policy that allowed this fuck nut to purchase 2 fucking AR-15s the day he turned 18? FUCK YOU
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