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Alien Octopus

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Alien Octopus

  1. I know you twats like dominant, but usually it is when you are killing your teammates or raping your coeds.
  2. You sound like a pussy. Like a take the loss pussy? Or just your run of the mill gash?
  3. Donovan McNabb I blieve meets all criteria
  4. Pulled his hair too
  5. I liked Hagar displaying the football like excalibur when he came up with the fumble. Fuck the haters! Big ugly plays hard.
  6. Time to put foster on a search and destroy mission
  7. There is no rule that requires a player to wrap up. Unless he is going to get trucked , and he slidee down and around wrapping up is not even possible in this instance, and does not immediately stop forward progress nor dislodges the ball. Had Foster been lower it would have been a celebrated play by all., and not because of wrapping up. I don’t remember anyone giving Huff any shit for dislodging balls against USC by drilling the shit out of players, QBs Wrs or RBs.
  8. if you mean he led with his shoulder you are correct, he did not lead with his head. But yeah kill shot. As for launching, he never left his feet. So I guess launching know means running at a player.
  9. when was the last time you scored this much in two games?
  10. I dunno he looks kind of over fed, I think the Dudes can slow him down before he goes loco
  11. I blame Ricky Williams for our shit play this year. Ever since he grew that chia hair out and sarted looking like Bernard from Westworld we have sucked. Can’t see anything changing until he loses the Bernard look.
  12. Where is Randolph, duck?
  13. Is Ricky tryIng out for West World with that look?
  14. Del Conte atraight up pimping on Game Day
  15. The boy ain't right. There are short throws open on almost every play and not the flat screens either. Why the fuck can he not throw a slant, ever? If he is not accurate enough or cannot check down he should fuck off. Also, he never throws to a guy in stride, ever. Whatever no-read spread he was running in High School they should adopt or he should find another position. Herman starting to piss me off. Still pissed I guess.
  16. Was thinking “smug cunt” when I saw that pic.
  17. Tried donating but everytime I go to put in addy it no takey. Where is the fucking Paypal button? Gotta make it easy for special folks, I’m special, I’m special.....
  18. Thanks for the great endorsement. There is a verah nice lady named Emma Moon who sells it onesies at the Garden Oaks Farmer’s Market on Saturday mornings. You can also order from me and I will deliver for 100 dollar minimums. If you are interested I can send you what is left in inventory and price sheet. You will also be surprised by the nutritional values. Aggy ran analysis so hopefully they are good for that.. I can have the chef send you some killer recipes too.
  19. They float the plastic to separate or hand separate with labor. I think the issue is they are single use. The answer is to keep them and find a use for them. They are great for lighting Campfires, just like potatochip bags.
  20. Hey T looks great! I will be sending a couple more to the great beyond so maybe around Nov Dec I’ll have a couple more sets. Have some gnarly ones if someone wants something a little more Mad Max.
  21. Yessir? Hanging on the wall.
  22. It takes 70000 uses of thise bags to equal the amount wnergy expended to make them. You will never reach that number from a cost basis, Ever. Independent studies from the Canadian govt and a few others in Northern Europe have shown this. Bans on olastic bags are for lefies to feel better about sticking it to the evil oil companies and nothing else.
  23. good plastic bag bans are for people who can't do science, and can't recycle
  24. I’d trade Keuchel+ prospect to SD for Hand. McHugh looking like a pretty reasonable 5 to me.
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