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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. Legit projection? Or more of a "Bronny in the first round so I get more clicks" projection?
  2. When I see a breakdancer in action, I can't shake the feeling that I'm supposed to throw newspapers at them.
  3. Wow. I guess I did? Is this an inflation thing? GoT certainly felt bigger and more expensive.
  4. You know what? You're absolutely right. Had to google Bubba Smith, but holy shit. Dick Butkus?!
  5. TIL Dana bleepin Carvey was in a helicopter show called Blue Thunder.
  6. It's also an astonishing technical achievement. Is there a game that looks better on last gen consoles? When I got my new 4k TV back in January, I fired it up to test my PS4 Pro's HDR setting or whatever. Still looked stunning.
  7. And when Alicent "skinny dips," she wears a white slip thing that's not even see through when soaking wet. #NotMyGoT
  8. Rehashing a season one take here, but yeah..if it feels like we're watching budget Game of Thrones, it's cause we literally are. Warner Bros/Discover is gonna be relentlessly tugging on these udders for years to come. The Daemon payoff was a cool moment even though it took too long to get there. It did set the table for a potentially good next season. Since I'm just not as into this as GoT, the wait doesn't bother me as much. With GoT I had to start reading the books because the wait was killing me.
  9. Also meant to add - if his beliefs aren't causing real damage like wrecking interpersonal relationships or his career, draining his finances, etc, it's probably not worth trying to change his point of view.
  10. This is a topic I'm interested in. Actually just started this book Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies by Arthur Goldwag yesterday. One topic it explores is the psychology of a conspiracy theorist and why they believe, which is what really interests me. There are resources out there that offer advice on how to reach and deprogram people, especially with all the Qanon and Q-adjacent shit that's exploded in recent years. There are subreddits like r/QanonCasualties and r/ReQovery that have stories from friends/family/loved of Q people, and from reformed/recovering conspiracy theorists themselves. Can't really offer any advice other than to seek out helpful resources. I just know it's a long road to change their mind. And there are constructive ways of communicating. It is possible but I dunno about older people like 50 or 60+.
  11. I thought the first one was just alright, but the trailers for this sequel look cool as fuck.
  12. Digging the 70s paranoia political thriller tone. Actually looks kinda cool despite being Marvel.
  13. With him and his cat in matching Caleb Williams jerseys.
  14. Hopefully it's the Tommy Malto show with a new case. Contuining the Sabitch wankery would be a terrible choice.
  15. [/spioler] Deadpool breaks the fourth wall and says something hilarious and irreverent. (/spooler].
  16. I saw two grown men fighting over the last two souvenir popcorn buckets. One was the display model, the other was still in the original packaging. Memorabilia is serious business.
  17. If a character has to explain the twist, that's never a good sign.
  18. And let's be honest, Carolyn kinda maybe a tad wee bit deserved it. Telling the daughter about the pregnancy before the dad? That's some emotional terrorism.
  19. Ok, scene makes a lot more sense if they started in the Sept. Should have eaten something between martinis.
  20. 300 to 1 RoY odds! Who wants that action? Haven't confirmed but also heard there are mvp odds for him too. Lawl
  21. Why evacuate at all? Did anyone else get the impression that leaving was safer than hunkering down in the castle? Angry mob looked like 50 people tops.
  22. I haven't played a football video game in probably 8 years, but it feels like play action in video game has been useless my entire life. All it's ever done is give the pas rush a head start.
  23. If Year 3 Billy can't beat Melko, lol
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