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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. We've seen the latter first hand. He developed (or exacerbated) his own mental illness, returned to our boards with a fake story about a bet he made with his buddy, and composed alarmingly verbose posts that, when ordered sequentially, probably resemble the Unabomber's manifesto. Then vanished, never to be heard from again.
  2. Most "point at the TV" LeBron moment since he accidentally flashed his dick fixing his shorts before a playoff game.
  3. The shitty seats in the front row(s) should definitely be cheaper.
  4. Field of 68 interviewed Terry after the game. Running it now:
  5. Oh my God, I can't believe we paid them back in Manhattan. Fucking fantastic.
  6. How many fucking almost turnovers have squirted right back into the hands of a KSU player?
  7. My kingdom for a guard who can get into the lane.
  8. Nobody is even trying to penetrate. Just tepid dribbling around and hot potato passes. This is rough.
  9. My wife is watching YOU PEOPLE and this is worse.
  10. lol at this confirmation bias. "Yeah Donaghy's a piece of shit and liar, buuut I choose to believe this one incredible thing he said about evil David Stern rigging games cuz the world is corrupt." Also lol at the notion that I'm naive or ignorant because I require more than the word of a pathetic disgraced criminal to believe in a league wide game fixing conspiracy that goes all the way to the top, maaan! Your cynical worldview doesn't prove that David Stern rigged games.
  11. There I was begrudingly watching Marquette come back against mighty Villanova. Then I looked down and saw Nova's record is 10-11. Ouch. What happened?
  12. I don't understand Brady referring to last year's retirement announcement as a "super emotional essay." Didn't it basically amount to him tweeting, "Peace, Tampa!"
  13. Too late to edit. Bill Simmons did an interview with this guy Sean Patrick Griffin debunking Donaghy and the farce Netflix "documentary."
  14. Donaghy is a piece of shit and a patholigcal liar doing the "woe is me" victim routine that every unrepentant criminal has enacted since the dawn of time in an attempt to avoid punishment. "It wasn't me! I was set up/coerced/scapegoated/persecuted! What about them over there? They're guiltier than me! I'm not the guy you want! I'm innocent! Waaah! Unfair!" There is zero actual evidence corroborating his tall tales. He told a bunch of stories to the FBI, too, in a desperate, pathetic attempt to minimize his punishment. They investigated his claims and found nothing.
  15. Hm. Come up with a catchy name for your offense and then just change jobs every year. Wonder if he also asks, "do you concur?" a lot.
  16. Dunno how it took me until the featurette, and hearing his accent, to recognize Armond from season 1 of White Lotus. He looked so familiar but I couldn't place him. Murray Bartlett and Offerman crushed it.
  17. Not super familar with the current KG, so at the time I thought you meant Kevin Garnett. For his defense. I was like huh! Bit random. But I'd take his rim protection too.
  18. Jump straight in the air, hands straight up in the air, offensive player initiates contact… FOUL!
  19. Same. I’m so fucking ground down and bitter. we’ll go 0-4 against Baylor and KU. Win 2 home games. Maybe. The drought of mediocrity in MBB and football marches on with no end in sight.
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