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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. Jump straight in the air, hands straight up in the air, offensive player initiates contact… FOUL!
  2. Same. I’m so fucking ground down and bitter. we’ll go 0-4 against Baylor and KU. Win 2 home games. Maybe. The drought of mediocrity in MBB and football marches on with no end in sight.
  3. The notion that Roger “Clown Nose” Goodell could successfully mastermind a shadowy game fixing conspiracy is fucking hilarious. Also always get a kick out of these theories that presuppose some nebulous, trivial financial gain is worth the astronomical risk of an international PR nightmare and long lasting damage to the brand - to a company that makes $17 billion per year.
  4. How many wins above 6-6 were Ossai, Dickson, and Ehlinger worth to Mensa?
  5. With how good he's got this year's team playing, Rick's heartbreaking second round exit is gonna be that much more painful.
  6. This is somehow gonna be a 5 point game with :25 left.
  7. I parked in the Disch-Falk garage. Think it was $16.50. Not a bad walk at all. 10-15min depending on the lights. Uber has its obvious perks.
  8. Some years ago I sat behind a couple and their one kid who was maybe 3-4 years old. The kid was in his dad's lap and whining and crying because he wanted to be with his mom. But this piece of shit macho man stubbornly refused to give in. He forced his son to stay in his lap, and the kid cried and whined and whimpered the ENTIRE fucking flight while the parents bickered in hushed whispers. Two hours and fifty minutes into the three hour flight, Billy "no mommas boys allowed" Badass finally caves and hands the kid over. Kid is silent as a church mouse for the last ten minutes of the flight.
  9. Every year that ends on a loss is a disaster! Even if we make the quarter finals and lose to a better team on the road. An indictment on Jerry Jones! We are entitled to be better than a top 8 team because we won some Superbowls thirty years ago. I hereby announce I am quitting watching. I am definitely done and won't be back next year.
  10. I didn't know the coaches got a cartoon caricature too. How fat is McCarthy's?
  11. I've posted this before, but it's so fucking funny I'll post it again - statistically, literally an un-losable game. No team in the history of the NCAA tournament had ever won shooting that poorly until Shaka's record-setting pants shitting.
  12. Plus, Shaka's embarrasing act had a lot more witnesses.
  13. Funny, I actually went through the schedule here to see if a month would cover both(?) our + games. But didn't see one scheduled. He can pay me back with a win.
  14. Rodney owes me ten bucks for that wasted month of ESPN+.
  15. TIL that both ISU players are dirty and their fans trash.
  16. Same thing every other 5-star has brought to Texas for the last decade: disappointment.
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