Bullshit. "public information" = your message board posts. You don't know what happened on the NYC trip. You've just continued to insinuate for months now that you do.
Show us these anecdotes from people who were on the NYC trip. Where are they? Who made them?
Also, watching the way your Plugerville trash friends treat each other doesn't make you informed on domestic violence. You couldn't define the term "coercive control" if it brought Rick Barnes a championship.
If we're gonna rehash this shit again, I'll rehash the fact that it wasn't just the incident that got Beard fired. It was how he behaved and comported himself in the weeks after. Acting like an unrepentant, narcissistic asshat who never showed an ounce of contrition or acknowledged the horrible situation he created for Texas. See, that's actual public information. Because it was in UT's press release when they fired him.
I've also heard Jeff Howe recently talk about how Chris Beard could have easily avoided this mess, but chose not to. He couldn't get into specifics but he heavily implied that Beard's basically an unhinged idiot and/or asshole. Speaking of anecdotes, Howe also told an interesting one about a standing SEC coach that hates Chris Beard so much, he'd physically fight him if they were ever in a room together. Kinda sounds like Chris Beard is a fucking scumbag.