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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. Sold out before i could get one. Happy 25th ya stunads.
  2. It starts with the two buffoons on the headsets. Penix spent a month in the film room licking his chops, knowing our two overpaid goobers wouldn't do a damn thing to confuse or rattle him with coverages.
  3. Now he misses. With no pressure and a wide open receiver. Fuck you.
  4. This. Just bought a brand new Sony OLED. And I'm just now finding out the fucking superbowl won't even be in 4k?
  5. So what would Frank Haith say he does here?
  6. Was a nice two year reprieve. This is gonna be worse than Shaka.
  7. Exactly. This 6th/7th year covid QB shit is dumb as fuck. Congrats to Penix on his season I guess. It's like an 11 year old playing two extra years of dad's pitch and flexing on all the second graders for hitting the most home runs.
  8. Not offish offish but the media guys have been talking like it's a foregone conclusion for what seems like a few weeks now. Which makes me wonder if Quinn has already told the staff he's coming back.
  9. On the replay you could see there was gaping open space in the front corner of the endzone. I immediately thought, "wow, uh...looked like there was a pretty easy throw to be made there."
  10. This. We were a bad spot away from losing to fucking Houston. Statistically our zone defense was awful all year.
  11. This was a pathetic performance with a month to prepare. Period.
  12. What does Blake Gideon actually do? Coach players to suck in coverage so he can sell playing time to recruits?
  13. One of our players wasn't even watching the play when the ball was snapped.
  14. Actually was DPI. You can't box out a WR like that. We got called for it on the last drive vs. ou.
  15. And it was still a bad spot. Gave them half a yard.
  16. Rak just hijacked Texas GameDay and he's hammered.
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