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Everything posted by CurlyDumps

  1. Berhalter is a results based retard. “Hurrrr durrrr we eeeked our way out of the group stage with some awful white knuckle halves, therefore my tactics worked”
  2. The guy with the receding hairline gets wide open. Cool ball watching.
  3. I thought he was noticeably slimmer this season.
  4. There must be analytics out there suggesting coaches cut out carbs or go plant based or something. Maybe the pudgy overworked look isn't cool to recruits. Sark, Lane Kiffin, and Herman have all lost weight recently. Even Lincoln's bitch tits look smaller.
  5. Sooner mouth breathers will be loudly celebrating on social media tonight.
  6. CurlyDumps

    USMNT 2022

    I agree. I posted in the wrong thread - that's some results over process bullshit.
  7. I'm not really dialed into this roster, but this sounds like some results over process BS. Watching the way Croatia tactically approached an almost identical scenario made me wonder, "why the 40 minutes of suffering Gregg?"
  8. Does Creighton always take this many threes? Or was it an homage to the Shaka Smart era?
  9. Coach November, baby! The Shakacoaster is chug-a-luggin up the hill.
  10. Was too nervous to post during the game. Obligatory "Pulisic gave his left nut for America" joke.
  11. For whatever reason(s) it takes several minutes for the VAR replay to get to the broadcast
  12. Let me guess, another full Qatari ref crew?
  13. Tell me why I shouldn't start Raschad White over Kamara? I'm not going to. White is going to have 15 points and Kamara is going to have 6. Fuck the dog shit Saints and their goober coaches.
  14. Day and his players are soft front runners. Huff their own farts all season as they beat up on a bunch of basketball schools.
  15. And after tying it up, kicker immediately goes full R tard.
  16. That motherfucker looked offsides by 3 yards lol
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