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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 54_Strat

  1. Nah. I have a few Strats, but nothing vintage. The oldest guitar I have is an '89 57 AVRI. I don't even think my profile pic is accurate. I don't think they made a surf green Strat in '54.
  2. Just ordered a Yamaha Pacifica 611. I don't have a guitar with P-90's in my collection and I've read good things about the guitar.
  3. Makes the games more exciting
  4. I hope that’s not one of those things where it is a issue after the game.
  5. Sams knee bent weird on that tackle
  6. Ingram takes too long to get going on any run play. Roschon seems to be much quicker and more decisive.
  7. Ingram doing his Kyle Porter impression
  8. Cook or Jamison have to be better than this.
  9. Ehlinger throwing ducks out there
  10. Tom didn’t sound very confident
  11. Insecure fans coming to their opponents board demanding their team be recognized as superior. What a fucking waste of time.
  12. Bird finger thump. Kawhi Leonard's bird finger.
  13. Had it done last week. A little more pain than I had anticipated. Doc told me not to laugh or yell during the procedure as it makes the boys rise. When they stuck that needle in, I laughed to compensate for the fucking pain. Also, when they burned the tube shut, I felt like someone connected a car battery to my balls. Recovery wasn't too bad. Felt like I had been flicked on my sack. Nothing a bag of frozen peas wouldn't help.
  14. Awesome
  15. So Mehringer is the old girlfriend he broke up with?
  16. He was in tears
  17. 54_Strat

    We’re back

    Six to Midnight
  18. 54_Strat

    We’re back

    We're back baybee!!
  19. Whittington is unstoppable
  20. Why not just say that it's USC?
  21. It just seems like Hager has no awareness of where he is at on the field and who is around him. He just throws himself around.
  22. We had one left
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