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  1. i have that one too and paid a pretty penny for it. its not the purple tops the distillery has but its as close as you're going to find on the shelf.
  2. red zone issues! why the field goal on that one drive?
  3. sorry, i was looking for the nancies pulling their hair out because of the weather thread, and looks like i found it. man up, fuckwads. its football.
  4. thats the way it should be. you should hate everyone. they probably all lied to you.
  5. why did rachel play her steal a vote? did she have to before it got down to 5? it was wasted. whether the vote was 4-2 rachel or 3-2 rachel makes no difference because no votes counted for rachel. and didnt teeny tell them about her idol? weird that nobody knew. the winner of the last immunity challenge is the going to be in the catbirds seat. could be any of the three (sue and teeny might as well pack their bags). in fact i would say rachel has the least chance of winning immunity between her, sam, and genevieve. has been a great season though.
  6. as said before the premise of this season is stupid. trying to make an army pilot into a lionness and then ask her to turn on her own family and infiltrate was stupid. Where we are now in the story proves it was pointless as its been completely abandoned. sending a cia special ops team to intercept a human smuggling operation on the border was stupid. sending a cia special ops team into iran/turkey/iraq/wherever the fuck they were to intercept two chinese nuclear scientists was stupid. should have just sent an airstrike to begin with, which is what they ended up doing. i believe they need to hire an extra (or better) military adviser for next season. Still, those complaints aside, great show. i could do with less drama from jo and her family. the husband seems like a weak cuckold and its hard to watch.
  7. ive ordered from them before. almost did this year but bought from someone at work instead.
  8. i loved delicious too. they had a bandera location that was close to me when i lived there. lived in austin, houston, and san antonio and san antonio had the best tamales of the three. rubens maybe? there was another one east side of town. abuelas is another name i vaguely recall, but i moved from there in 2011. i hate places/people that slather on too much masa on the corn husk so theres not enough filling. its all about the filling. the corn taste from the masa should be an accent.
  9. which tamale won the taste test?
  10. i kind of understand her emotions this season. new lioness was forced on her and her participation forced on them. dea guy forced on her and is a complete fuckup with everything he says and touches. the premise of both seasons is a little sketchy, last was a little more probable. this one almost laughable - fake a daughters dishonorable discharge and send her home to daddy like she's going to go from badass army pilot to living in her parents basement. like he's going to fall for that. he already seems skeptical. turning him seems more likely than spying on him and killing him, so it just got a little more believable than the first few episodes where they expected her to participate in the incarceration or murder of her family.
  11. does anyone have an idol? where are they all? seems like theyve been less of a factor this season than any.
  12. leaders: genevieve, kyle, sam, rachel bottom: sue, teeny in between: andy, caroline
  13. went to tejas two weeks ago and la last week, both outstanding. tejas was every bit as good as franklin - brisket, burnt ends, chile relleno sausage, pork ribs, turkey, beans, potato salad, carrot soufflé. the beans and carrot souffle were the only things that didnt jump out as excellent. la's brisket was as good as you will find anywhere. sausage was dry and crumbly and subpar. mac and cheese was one of the best bbq sides ive had in years.
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