first of all, trump is not running in 2024, because he knows he will lose, and he prefers candidates that don't lose. the horse i'd bet on at this point as the gop candidate is pence.
second of all, biden is not running in 2024. i see no way he can, and would prefer him step down. which means, now is the time for kamala to step up. maybe that will help get the minority voters trending back in the right direction. i'm clueless as to how they could possibly think they'd fare better under conservative leadership to begin with, but the numbers are what they are. his approval numbers should be low. its been a failure at practically every juncture. very disappointing that he has not been more effective after watching from the sidelines all this time. he charlie stronged and tom hermaned this up. handed his dream job and shit the bed.
it's not too late to turn this around and build democrat momentum going into the election, but it needs to start soon. where have all the leaders gone that ran against biden? warren, booker, bernie, klobuchar? they've taken a backseat since biden took office, and were much more vocal and better leaders until then. we are left with schumer and pelosi as the voice and face of the party, and they are too old and too boring and it's time for them to go also. youth will respond to energy, minorities will respond to energy. biden, pelosi, and schumer have done great service in their time but energy has passed them by.