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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. only episode one has been on regular hbo, i guess as a teaser. any word of the others airing there, or will it stay on hbo max?
  2. he wont. the shopping is no better in kentucky than other states. his best bet is going to buffalo trace every day he's there. they put out blantons but it's one per customer per day.
  3. or when clayton's ended for "when a woman's getting raped, she should just lie back and enjoy it".
  4. has there ever been a show with more deplorable characters than this one? i dont know if any of the writers are from this town but they sure depict as a shithole. the kids in the restaurant beating up the priest, the father of the dead girl shooting her boyfriend, the other father that threw a rock through mare's window, the bullies of the down syndrome kid, the kids that setup a fake account and led the dead girl to believe she was going on a date, the stealing and burning of the diaries..... its just one immoral act after another on this show.
  5. i just found my first bottles of ezra 7, smoke wagon, new riff, iron smoke, filibuster, and watershed. hallelujah!
  6. i'd say there are 100-1000 bourbons on the shelf in every liquor store of any given town, so we are all passing on bottles regularly. my shelves are full and overflowing so have gotten pretty selective. i saw eagle rare on the shelf last week and passed on it. blantons is my all time favorite, and have two unopened and one opened but i'd probably still pick that one up.
  7. where in the hell did you find the laguna?
  8. that's where i am. i bought last year's release (for i wanna say $160) but just saw the 2021 on the shelf last week for $232. could not pull the trigger.
  9. me too. both challenges were interesting so that makes for a good episode. was getting tired of hearing about the knee too, but also he just wasn't assertive or putting himself out there all season. gabe is clearly an asshole and should have gone home last week instead of the girl for the tots. justice was served this week even though it was not his salmon that was hammered.
  10. coastal or freshwater flyfishing? Nice liquor and food selection. that's the fine life, baby.
  11. why do they call it the nevers? why didn't they call it the touched? i dont get the nevers part yet.
  12. fusion or discovery 4? watch your step youngster. i've never cared for remus or any of the mgp juices, and have been pretty impressed with both of the bardstown series so far, at least the ones i've tried.
  13. mare's mom playing a game on her ipad was one of the best scenes of the movie. she's doing a bang up job acting on this show so far. was glad to see mare's limp had miraculously healed. so much so that she even put on heels this episode.
  14. do you live there? if so, for how long? i used to go every october for about 11 years for an anniversary trip, but that ended with the marriage. its been probably 10 years and none of the places you mentioned were around then. does rebecca rather have anything going there now? she had two great places at one time, and i always thought she was a star.
  15. the taste is not much different, maybe less saltier than east coast. it's the size i like. if i'm going to pay $2+ for one stinking oyster i want it to have more volume than a tablespoon.
  16. well yeah, those guys are clearly coming for our jobs.
  17. episode 2 really kicked it up a notch. agree with the poster that mentioned how cold mare is. she calls her daughter 15 times without answering and the first thing she says when she sees her isnt are you okay, or where have you been, or i was worried about you. it was why didnt you tell me you were at the woods last night? totally self-absorbed.
  18. reminds me a little of Your Honor, the bryan cranston series on showtime, as far as fucked up crime family drama goes.
  19. oak liquor had a store pick last time i was in there. i killed it quickly. it was good for a texas bourbon.
  20. maybe there's a reason gulf oysters are some of the largest in the world. there's a lot of food there for them to filter out. apalachicola bay had for a long time the best tasting, most sought after oysters until that fishery died out. nothing wrong with gulf oysters. in fact, i prefer them to all the east coast, west coast, japanese, and european ones ive tasted.
  21. my biggest complaint of the show so far is that fake limp of mare's. they should have had her just run out of wind instead of an ankle injury. i'm not sure i can watch her limp around for another episode.
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