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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. I doubt deckhand's are better than salt trader. interesting you have both so close to each other down south. I have the same situation up north. salt trader is just a couple of exits up i35 from deckhand. dollar oysters sound pretty good. didn't know they were doing that. it was either drink.well or foreign and domestic that had an oyster happy hour also.
  2. Felix's was always more fine dining to me. I remember going to new Orleans in the mid 80's and there were nickel oysters during happy hour at some bars on bourbon street. nickel oysters.
  3. see you on the other side
  4. the farmed oysters are sterile? I wasn't aware of that. Chesapeake bay are probably the classic, consistently best oyster ever. that was back 10 yrs or so ago. Apalachicola was always better to me though - bigger, plumper. sadly, those aren't around in great number anymore either.
  5. that's not just a myth. not only is there a higher chance of vibrio in the water in the warmer months, but the oysters go into a different phase of their breeding then. their hormones/chemistry changes and they take on a different taste.
  6. do you camp? that would be your best bet, to camp in the park. make a fire, sleep in a tent, your boy will never forget it. but if you wanna wuss out, flagstaff or Williams might be your best bet for hotels. probably no chance at a lodge.
  7. did our governor just say yesterday that "there is no reason to leave your house"? there is no reason except the governor made us all go back to work again. waittresses, lifeguards, bus drivers, football coaches, and on and on all opened back up based on the governors timeline. it is disingenuous and slimy for him to take no responsibility. he's taken a page from the teflon don, and admitting no wrong.
  8. you lost me on this thread when you decided to spend a week in indiana. i'm out.
  9. 1 in 5? I've never seen a bottle of it in any liquor store.
  10. the acting has been pretty decent for some low budget actors. I hope this is a springboard for all of their careers. the show reminds me of the anti-Hollywood. no glamor or glitz. these are some white trash, working class southie types.
  11. are we supposed to believe james bond is drinking bourbon now?
  12. I heard about some 1.75's floating around in Houston. Did not expect to hear of any in Austin. i'll have to keep my eyes peeled.
  13. thinking about a road trip to bears ears area in july. first night in northern new mexico. be at bears ears by noon the next day. how many days will I need there? where should I camp? what are the must sees?
  14. of all of those, midwinter dram is the hardest to find.
  15. bitch needs to get back on the wagon. she's brutal when she drinks. hard to watch.
  16. been looking for that forever. they stopped making it and will likely never make it again. most people didnt like it, but i wanted to try it anyway. did they have any more?
  17. what was the price? i've bought one aged in a thomas handy barrel. it's pretty good sippin tequila but not sure it was worth what i paid (somewhere between $70-90, from what i recall).
  18. just started reading The Nightingale last night, and boy if it doesn't smack of a book that should certainly be made into a movie. starts off in titanic mode - old lady picks up a relic and starts reminiscing, flashback to her story as a young lady.
  19. one of my plot pitfalls also. they've already been through one avalanche , this "brace" announcement over the loudspeaker shows that it's not uncommon, but they're just going to loop around and blow by there again next time around without any problems for 6 years running.
  20. yep, axe has shown to be unforgiving and holds a grudge against his enemies until he buries them. was out of character to bring her back in. he even knows that chuck set him up and was behind it and still he lets her hang around his business all day every day.
  21. she's pretty hot even 20 yrs later.
  22. I havent heard that this was the last season and it doesnt appear to be heading towards any grand finale. some of the characters are too over the top, okay almost all of them. i wouldnt mind seeing this show end. is there a normal person on the show? a character you understand and is believable?
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