its all conjecture at this point, but the main difference as i see it is that our society would be more civil. trump has done well with the economy and jobs, but that alone does not make america great. we are worse off than before he took office, and hillary would have done a better job of accomplishing the bs maga slogan. he has divided our country in a way that i dont foresee it being repaired. it would take a real leader (which he is not) with real ethics (which he has none of) to lead us and teach us how to have public discussions and debates and hash out policy for the future of the country. because he gets away with trampling on the constitution, running roughshod over the checks and balances system, grabbing them by the pussy, insulting, demeaning, bullying all those that oppose him, all the gop congress does it too. the president should set the example, and the gop is shit now because of him.
the other difference in where we would be had hillary won is we would have more solid partnerships with our allies. trump has weakened all our alliances. germany, uk, france, canada, china, middle east, mexico, and on and on and on consider him a buffoon and a laughing stock, which makes us a laughing stock for electing him. they are all biding their time until he gets the boot.
one last difference. trump has sold us down the river. i'm surprised the gop doesn't see it from all the dollar signs blocking their vision. he has weakened the endangered species act, weakened the clean water act, weakened the clean air act, selling off public lands, we're drilling and polluting land and sea not seen since the 70's. we're overdeveloping, overfishing, reducing the banking laws that went into effect after the last collapse. future generations will be worse off from the years he's been in office.