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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. i'm not digging this show but sticking with it. there doesn't seem to be too much happening too quickly. a little scant on character development.
  2. would be nice if hbo would re-run this. you know, for us non-streamers.
  3. yes. sounds just like when the republicans now call the democrats obstructive. holy shit, the hypocrisy.
  4. shhhh. do you hear that? that's the sound of a blue wave coming.
  5. It's terrible to thing about what happened yesterday in Sweden. Sweden!
  6. I've had two store pick russell reserves, one from Houston and one from Austin, and they were both outstanding.
  7. me either. been looking for awhile now.
  8. how is it? I wish I had a second bottle so I could open the one I have.
  9. meh, anything is better than what we got. the gaffes will be reduced tenfold, starting with the record number of people at his inauguration. the trumpster threw out the playbook when it comes to gaffes.
  10. well shit, that didn't paste right. my point is that it's not really that bad. it's not the crisis everyone thinks it is or panics about or is afraid of. basically the first half of that graph is the bush years, after the gridline is the Obama years, and then after the second gridline is the trump years. as you can see, it's nothing to get hysterical about. trump could have fear mongered with abortion, or regulations or any other issue but he chose Mexicans to take a stand against.
  11. op is right, they don't make movies like predator since the other three predators movies that came after that predator movie.
  12. I've heard that girth was more important than length.
  13. my pick would be the knob creek
  14. I didn't like it that much, but it fills a void on sunday night tv. i'll watch it til the end most likely. not sure what's more annoying - kevin bacon, or kevin bacon's mustache.
  15. If not ultra fancy and through the roof prices is what you're looking for, i'm not sure Geronimo would have fit the bill anyway.
  16. I extend to you a laurel and hearty handshake
  17. the cowboy won bourbon of the year by whiskey bible or bourbon bible or something like that. it's over-priced, there is no argument there.
  18. you are entitled to your opinion but you are wrong.
  19. you just discovered their entire game plan. the trumpster, along with every senator and representative will be instructed to say socialism at least 10 times during every campaign speech. and don't forget to mention how socialist your opponent is.
  20. garrison brothers is 4-6. and you're judgement that it takes 6-10 years "to make it smooth and complex" is based on Kentucky climate. I think it's possible. is still the one that tops off their barrels? to me that's a bold move, common in brandy but unheard of (and frowned upon) in bourbon. that contributes to part of the youth you're tasting.
  21. it was one particular industry, cant remember which one or what I was reading at the time. with those kinds of margins, you'd think it would be energy or healthcare related.
  22. what exactly is bullshit about it? congratulations on your high moral values, but it's pretty much an undeniable, indisputable fact that well off people don't normally rob banks or shoplift. the less financially stressed a border patrol agent is, the less likely he is to take a bribe to let a carload of drugs drive through. aoc is also the one that came up with the idea of using taxpayer dollars to fund elections. sounds stupid and excessive at first (for a country that's deep in debt and doesn't have enough tax dollars to begin with), but at second thought would keep lobbyist and pacs and corruption out of our politicians. when exxon gives you a million dollars you're somewhat beholden to them.
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