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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. i don't know that they have a pay site at all. Did anyone else notice that the sand the girl buried her idol in seemed wet? didn't seem very smart to me. it also didn't look like she put a shell or rock or any kind of marker over it to show her later where she buried it.
  2. I'm wondering If they dont double up tomorrow. that's what i would do. was supposed to rain all day today, but now looks like all the rain moved to sunday, plus it will be 28 degrees then. they ought to do a double header today.
  3. i forgot that i had beer in my fridge. and i'm the best there is at drinking it. see you guys on the other side.
  4. i agree, it could get very interesting. so interesting in fact that they might consider making it a separate show, like top chef's last chance kitchen. there is some drama on the island, testimonials, etc, but covering it takes away air time from the drama and testimonials of the real game.
  5. and none televised all freaking weekend. what a bummer.
  6. shes's playing at osmf in april. as is jason isbell. it's always been such a laid back, lowkey festival. as much as i love their music, almost hate that it's booking these big acts, because the vibe will change with the crowds.
  7. here's what i don't get, and i didn't see a single conservative, in congress or in surly, connect the dots and comprehend the logic. every single republican, all down the line, unanimously used their time to discredit cohen and make sure the American public understood what a sleazy, slimy, piece of shit, liar liar pants on fire lawyer he was. yet, our president liked him, trusted him, confided in him, deemed him to be of sufficient character to carry his daily dealings. this is a man our president trusted and paid for 10 yrs. if he's such a piece of shit, what does that make the president? he was the presidents personal attorney for 10 years, and they think he's a lowlife scum and a shitpoor lawyer, yet they blindly cant put two and two together and comprehend what this says about the president. do they think the president is an innocent, wise, all knowing, all powerful, pure as the driven snow gentleman, and didn't know for 10 yrs his shitass lawyer was a shitass lawyer? is their take on this that cohen took advantage of the president? that trump wasn't awarer of Cohen's character? no man, that's not the way this went down. the president is a lowlife scum, scheming, conniving, slimy, sleazy piece of shit, and he asked his attorney to carry sleazy, lowlife scum activities on his part. checks cashed for 10 yrs to prove it.
  8. Pikesville is good? i havent tried it yet.
  9. one thing i thought interesting was one of the republican reps said to him "you are a criminal and a pathological liar. no one would hire you." well, our president did. then he said "you are a disgraced lawyer. no client would call you at 3 am for legal advice." well, our president did. so basically he was saying you are such a shitty lawyer anyone would have to be a complete idiot to hire you. well, our president did.
  10. i never felt bad for him. that was the smart choice as a tribe. they just need to win. also, his response when he was voted out: "good luck winning any challenges". i literally laughed out loud. like he was helping. how delusional. but i agree with you, the hemming and hawing and praying to jesus at the end. it should be a slam dunk, no brainer decision. the lack of conviction is telling.
  11. i don't know what msrp even is but it's around 130-140 last time i saw it on the shelf.
  12. they still make those? they were big in my high school in 1980.
  13. How much you want to spend? I think I know a place that has one.
  14. your mom has never complained about my package.
  15. so i don't understand this bill that just passed. restaurants can deliver booze? that does that mean you can pick up the phone and order a cory's coffee and odd duck will bring it to you? that's bizarre if so. if the drink costs $11 at the bar, how much would it cost delivered? or are they talking about you being able to order a whole bottle of clyde mays whiskey and have it delivered? if so, why would you do that? somebody help me with this please.
  16. sounds like a scene straight out of deliverance. you definitely don't want to take a gun, due to weight plus legality, but i always have a bigass blade. i always camp, and sleep in my tent with, my geology hammer that I've had since college. but i never backpack with it because i don't use stakes in my tent backpacking. every ounce counts. you can wear the blade on your belt though, so it won't count as packweight.
  17. I assume you know what the f in fica stands for. 75-90% of payroll tax, depending on your state, go to the fed. there is little to no direct local benefit from a company being in your city. corporate taxes, payroll taxes, all go to the fed. where the community benefits, and where local leaders place their bets, is that they will reap gains (more significant than the subsidies they gave up) in sales taxes (retail), gas taxes, property taxes, etc. the company might sponsor the local little team, or the pbs station (tax breaks, once again for the corporation) - indirect benefits like that. what Alexandria argued, and is a legit concern, is what will happen to the people born and raised in these communities once the people making $150k/yr move in? it's called gentrification. where will the poor people go? what will the community look like 10 yrs from now? newer, shinier, a lot like every other suburb in America. sometimes the pros don't add up to the cons. contrary to conservative philosophy, it's not always about money. there is quality of life. there is the uniqueness of a community - the architecture, the culture, the history.
  18. the interesting thing was the dude had 23 posts and 22 +reps. that's a pretty stellar record. something smells fishy.
  19. justin was the only one with an asian background and he gone. sad to see him go. i was certain that adrienne and sarah were among the weakest chefs for most of this season. their timing has been impeccable on coming through right at the time they needed to.
  20. don't payroll taxes go to the fedl? what percentage would have gone to the community to make this "worth it"?
  21. apparently, the concept of a river as a border is foreign to you. the river is not ours. it's a border, therefore shared. they take water, we take water. they have boats on it, we have boats on it.
  22. Garrison's is less than 24, and it's plenty oaky, rich, dark, and flavorful to me. I know it get it's knocks here but I think it is damn fine whiskey, much better than Balcones.
  23. i think both you and hooker have your minds made up and search the internets grasping for evidence to support your position. you're trying too hard. you want her to be stupid, so bad. the trumpster says take the guns first, then issue the warrant, clearly ignorant of the rule of law. yet you don't think he's stupid? that's because you don't want to. you want to believe he's smart. smart people say dumb things. she's been in office 2 months. last year she was a bartender. she's new to the limelight and not used to a microphone being in her face 18 hrs a day. she'll get wiser, but to say she's dumb is disingenuous. as for this specific example, maybe what she meant was if the community was willing to give huge tax breaks to a major corporation, maybe they could find it in their heart to to give tax breaks to a food bank, or low income housing, or a library or a school. in that sense the money is available because their finger was on the trigger for it already. i think it's similar to obama saying "you didn't build that". you guys laughed at him and said what an idiot. but the thing is he was right. our entire economy is based on government funding, government tax breaks, government incentives. ask jerry jones who built his stadium. you did. ask michael dell who built his corporate complex. just like amtrak or usps, many corporations are propped up by the government. boeing and lockheed would file for bankruptcy tomorrow if we pulled our government contracts. as we've all said on this board for years government spending is a jobs bill. the rightwingers stand on their soapbox and shout about big government and lets's make it smaller, without realizing the ramifications of that. if amazon was so benevolent, and wanted their headquarters in nyc so bad then why did they opt out because of tax subsidies? they're on the tit just like every other corporation you bow down to and worship like they can do no wrong.
  24. i'm more into loops. two nights is plenty for backpacking. fucking water is heavy. i ain't carrying more than three days worth. There's a trail out in west texas you can do. I forgot what it's called. Goes right through Caprock Canyon state park. It intrigued me for a fleeting moment until I remembered how heavy water is.
  25. uh no, she is far from an idiot. she's young and brash, and full of enthusiasm and that will likely wane in the coming years. so, she will get more politically smart, but she is plenty book smart and street smart already. if you don't like her, I feel sorry for you. fasten your seatbelt and stock up on popcorn because she's going to be around a long time.
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