the trumpster claims 35,000 attended his el paso pep rally. the el paso fire dept says the venue seats 6,500. what an idiot. then he says 200-300 were at beto's rally, and the real number was closer to 3,000. what kind of psycopath lies as blatantly as this guy? he's like a little, insecure kid that makes up shit so the cool, popular kids will let him join their clique. the imbeciles that voted for this imbecile should be tarred and feathered. he's a complete joke.
he's made us worse off globally than we were 2 years ago. no world leader takes him seriously. now his nationalist party principles have made the economy hum. but at what price? he's stripped environmental regulations, stripped banking regulations, all for the love of a buck. we are worse off now than 2 yrs ago. when the dems took over the house this year, i was deadset against any impeachment efforts, but the longer this idiot is in the white house the more damage he does.