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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. #NotActuallyAThruHike
  2. picking out barrels for what? you got a store?
  3. no, but his feelings were hurt.
  4. she may not be. alone in the rain and dark with no food or shelter? it would be tough for any of the players to stick it out in that challenge. i definitely think an older player is better adapted than a younger one though, so hopefully she does come back. and this time hopefully doesn't take everyone's laundry down to the beach to sun dry.
  5. I can see Russia in the White House!
  6. Survivor needed to do something to shake things up. The show had gotten a little repetitive. Same rewards, same challenges, etc. I like the idea. It will be interesting to watch people come back in the game that were backstabbed. Might actually even change the way people play and who they vote off, knowing they might come back in with a vengeance.
  7. i've been looking for that one high and low myself for the past couple of months. to no avail. my new unicorn is old charter oak. it's a new line from wheatley at buffalo trace. he's going to use a different oak, instead of standard white oak, for each release. this first release, that came out in january, is mongolian oak. i've read what the second one will be but can't remember it now. anyway, it's proven to be as difficult to find as btac. fuckers.
  8. i saw this was coming on tonight. only one texan, another girl from baylor again. they must be recruiting that campus heavily.
  9. i watch enough fox and oan, and listen to enough washington journal on cspan, to know his base is still alive and well, and fervent as ever. our one advantage, besides that he is a bumbling buffoon, is that we took him lightly the first time. no one in the world thought he had a chance of winning, including him. my advice would be to recognize that they are a force to deal with, and come up with a plan to deal with them.
  10. no matter who the nominee is, i think we have a hard road ahead of us. the trump machine is still going strong, and he uses the office to stump and campaign unlike any other. though there might be cracks, i see no significant breaks in his base or support. if clinton had won just michigan and pennsylvania she'd be president. there are states the dems could flip, but it will not be easy. conservatives say you will have to peel the trump away from their cold, dead hands before they'll give him up.
  11. watched it over the weekend. cried several times during it. what a truly unique and special man.
  12. where in the hell? I'm guessing you're bank account is $400-700 lighter than it was.
  13. stopped in three liquor stores in town and found old forester rye pretty much everywhere, for $19.99 at two out of three, but couldn't find anything else new or interesting at any of them.
  14. I've seen it in stores so their claims of rare are dubious too, which makes me suspicious of their claims of quality.
  15. the trumpster claims 35,000 attended his el paso pep rally. the el paso fire dept says the venue seats 6,500. what an idiot. then he says 200-300 were at beto's rally, and the real number was closer to 3,000. what kind of psycopath lies as blatantly as this guy? he's like a little, insecure kid that makes up shit so the cool, popular kids will let him join their clique. the imbeciles that voted for this imbecile should be tarred and feathered. he's a complete joke. he's made us worse off globally than we were 2 years ago. no world leader takes him seriously. now his nationalist party principles have made the economy hum. but at what price? he's stripped environmental regulations, stripped banking regulations, all for the love of a buck. we are worse off now than 2 yrs ago. when the dems took over the house this year, i was deadset against any impeachment efforts, but the longer this idiot is in the white house the more damage he does.
  16. i don't have a problem with it either. tom, and the gourmet schtick, have a bug up their ass, and it's pure snobbery. i did find it ironic that the girl that threw sarah under the bus for using it, was almost eliminated this week for using jarred salsa. that's fucking funny. meanwhile sarah was in the top this week, while she was on the bottom. major flip.
  17. who are those people and how do they have that kind of money? nice house, but not mid-century modern. seem like a cool couple.
  18. I've been watching Project Bluebook on History Channel, and lots of mid-century modern decor in the show.
  19. doesn't look like anything to me
  20. hadnt thought about anything sinister behind her motives. she damn sure knows shit about the case he doesn't, and is not only re-opening the case for him, but damn well investigating it for him too.
  21. interesting that spy Emily was more interested in soft Howard than spy Howard. You would think there might be an attraction there, but instead she's the force behind getting good Howard back. That leaves both the prime versions of Emily and Howard alone and in the cold. I have a feeling that interacting with their others causes them to both come to grips with the errors of their ways and past and make amends with each other.
  22. planning a trip up this way to do some flyfishing. probably won't have more than a couple of days. what is the best spot to fish with public access, and not full of fellow flyfishermen?
  23. On second glance, that's not the one I've heard of. Never seen that one in fact. Love the crock bottle. The one I was thinking of was the New Southern Revival that uses the jimmy red corn.
  24. No heard about it. Where did you find it? They're making a big deal about that red corn as a marketing angle. Have you tried it?
  25. agreed, jewish congressmen and women should. we know their position already do we not?
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