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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. teammate, I think you need to take a valium and chill out on this issue. you are not winning over any supporters of your stance so perhaps take it to the unpopular opinions thread? I believe it was right for Pelosi to ask her to apologize, and it was right for omar to do so. you may think that her being muslim is irrelevant but it's like the boy that cried wolf. there may be wisdom in his words, but people put a filter on it and digest it differently because of past history. a muslim can't call out a jew. it's too easy. we know already, you don't like each other. let someone else carry that torch. as a muslim she should recuse herself, in that sense, from weighing in on Israeli issues.
  2. you're right, btac doesn't control the price. the liquor store, and demand, control the price. the statement still holds true. if we would all do like bozo does and not pay above msrp, then the liquor stores would be forced to sell at msrp.
  3. i believe bozo's statement illustrates exactly the basic principles of supply and demand. it's like saying if we would all stop smoking pot and doing coke, there wouldn't be so many drugs flowing across the border and the cartels wouldn't be so rich and powerful. if we would all stop paying $300 for btac, they would lower the price. that's a true statement. not a realistic one, but factual nonetheless
  4. ian must really have it bad. to let mira out is basically a death sentence for the world. why would he possibly choose that and let mira out? undefeated or not, that's not thinking with your big head. i like the idea of badass howard and nadia teaming up. don't know who they're going to kill. it's hard to tell who the bad guys are besides mira, spencer, and the rest of their team. everyone seems complicit - management, mira's dad, clare, quayle, quayle's FIL, the black investigator chick, etc.
  5. i know a couple of stores that don't manage that way. no lists, no preferred customers. if they happen to luck into an allocated bottle they put it on the shelf. first come, first served. i've bought many $100 bottles, but the most i've ever paid is $120 for knob creek 25th anniversary. i've never seen any of the pappy's or btac in the wild but would probably drop $300 if i did, knowing that that is the going rate and therefore a fair price.
  6. kind of frustrating in a way. this could have been a better show if done differently. another loose end is what happened to wayne's daughter. in one of the first couple of episodes he asked where she was and the brother looked at him like he had dementia. the brown sedan was brought up in the first investigation by at least two witnesses, and they didn't follow up jack diddly on it. the pink room was a tip from the runaway girl that knew julie, but only amelia know's about it so far.
  7. you didn't see the last scene of last nights show? by the way the security man was sneaking up, that was the end of him.
  8. doesn't sound like the migrants should count on a welcoming pitcher of lemonade from any of these fine ladies.
  9. i'm assuming you're talking about the 2016 election? the one where 3 million more middle class citizens voted democrat than gop? you couldn't possibly be talking about the 2018 election, the one with the blue wave of democrat middle class citizens. I regret to inform you, the middle class still firmly stands with the democratic party.
  10. McKenna is like four roses. bottom shelf four roses is about as bottom shelf as it gets. cheap, readily accessible. there's a McKenna out there, bottled in bond, 10 yr, that is a hidden gem. might possibly be the most fantastic little bourbon out there that hasn't hit unicorn status yet.
  11. is that what your grandpa told you?
  12. onboard will never be on board.
  13. he likes beer
  14. watched some of this last night. what a douche. and the fact the president likes this guy makes him a douche by association. anyone with any integrity would condemn whitaker for the way he presented himself yesterday.
  15. I don't see any hypocrisy there. It's basically saying the Democrats are not and have never been for open borders. Same thing we've been saying too, in spite of what the president keeps trying to tell you. the biggest lesson here to me, is that was 22 yrs ago. since the wall has been built, as ugly and an eyesore as it is, has illegal immigration decreased? are drugs less prevalent? the answer is no. the wall, since it's existence, has done nothing to curtail any of this. therefore, a logical person would conclude, that throwing another $25 billion at it(which is what he wants), or the $6 billion (which is what he's willing to settle for) wouldn't either.
  16. that is the correct answer. the store can't ship it, but you could buy it and take it to a friend or relative and they can ship it to you.
  17. i really don't think they've featured bourbon or used it as a theme as much as they should, being a kentucky season. i'd also like to see them go to the louisville slugger plant and use that somehow in an episode.
  18. that was well done by our girl. kudos to corden for helping spread the word.
  19. sara further exposes herself as the weakest link. but you cant cook good ribs in the amount of time they were given, so that was a fatal flaw. it also looked like she didn't take the membrane off the back of the ribs.
  20. look out, they're coming for you
  21. Don't have any 1897, and don't want to crack one of my two unopened bottles of 1920, but I am going to start with a store pick of their single barrel, and then move on to the 1910. It's practically Friday.
  22. where do you get this stuff? you might might consider asking yourself if you could be delusional. there is all kinds of wrong in this post. Anti-american? false. she serves her country as she sees fit like every representative does. Running multiple campaigns promising change. Both parties run every campaign on change. That's why the country went with a republican after 8 yrs of a democrat, and now went democrat 2 years later. we always want change. Two years and not a single bit of economic policy. Which two years are you talking about? The Dems have always had economic policy, but the gop has owned both house and senate until last month. Doubled down on what cost them their power in the first place? wtf. please enlighten us on what you think this is, and what you think they did.
  23. if she was our best chance of beating the donald, i'd defend her and say this was nothing. but there is a stable of qualified candidates suitable to be our democratic nominee. i believe this is scandal/disingenous enough that she should withdraw.
  24. that's a tiny little house. if the neocons are trying to use that against her, as an example of her extravagant upbringing, they are going to hit a brick wall. that's way more modest a home than most of us grew up in.
  25. some of you do too, and then maybe you won't be so afraid of them.
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