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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. an armed uprising is coming, revolution is coming, but it won't be in november. i hadn't heard that the right was planning on an armed uprising if they lost the house. all we did when hillary lost the presidency is cry. but i guess the right has always been more violent and intolerant. the reason revolution is coming and is inevitable is never has there been a nation that could operate with gross income disparity. never. it always ends in revolution. france, russia, mexico, nicaragua, etc. if the rich keep getting richer, equilibrium is coming. if the government can't bring about the correction, bats and molotov cocktails will. riots are the voices of the unheard.
  2. i'd like to see the receipt. that's got to be at least $3K.
  3. lyrsa is unlikeable but natalie had to go. finally I agree on a choice.
  4. Great doc on pbs a couple of weeks ago called Dark Money. Fantastic. There is no doubt our system is more corrupt than most people think and that essentially it is a system of bribery.
  5. Another terrible decision. I agree Jeremy was more of a threat down the road, and he did put a target on his back by being paranoid about the side conversations, but it's way too early to be thinking about down the road. That was your first tribal. Keep the tribe strong for the merge. You know Jeremy was a team player and would have been loyal after the merge. Natalie will be no help getting you to that point, and disloyal once you get there. stupid, stupid, stupid.
  6. I paid $125 for that same tasting at the houston whiskey social. the pours were extremely generous though - 2-3 oz.
  7. i'm hoping you're right, that there's a backlash for ramming this through. he is going to weaken the court and doesn't deserve to be on the bench.
  8. goddammit, goddammit, goddammit. why is it, time and time again, the hottest chicks get voted out so early. so let me get this straight, you are stranded on an island, hanging out barely dressed, sleeping in the same shelter, with a close-knit opportunity to bond and you vote out the hottest chick? Fucking puritan assholes. Even the producers ought to wise up and step in for ratings sake and say okay, not this time, we're not voting out the hottest chick.
  9. one of those is saying the judge lied to congress. the other is saying what a bang up job he did, and what a straight shooter he is. which one of those would you say is the fake news?
  10. i have no faith that anyone cares or recognizes this. i am not giddy as a schoolgirl, and instead am very anxious of how the elections will go. i keep think everyone sees through the buffoonery of this president, that he has made america worse again, and show up to vote accordingly. i just am not sure that it won't be another red wave all over again. it's a recurring nightmare of mine.
  11. and also because they've played terrible, terrible teams. inflated stats.
  12. I watched the first half Monday, and the second last night. What a great movie. Truly epic.
  13. i like black buttes and i cannot lie.
  14. i like our matchups a lot, on both sides of the ball. we have a good shot at winning this. ou has not played anyone worth a shit. we need for our coaches to scheme a little on d, and come up with a few creative plays on o. it may involve ehlinger running but i hope not, as i dont want to see him get hurt. he needs to keep that threat alive, so that they worry about it, but not do it too often. against usc we went deep a shit ton. i'd like to try that and see how it works against these goobers. then you always got dinks, dunks, and ingram to bail you out if you've blown a down.
  15. i predict this will be hager's best game.
  16. bernie's burger bus in houston
  17. she has as much evidence that he did it as he does that he didn't. who you believe is simply a matter of which party you belong to. like i said, it doesn't matter whether he is innocent of the alleged crime, his demeanor when accused is enough to bar him from office. he's childish, immature, slippery, slimy, sleazy, sweaty, evasive, dishonest, belligerent, angry, and vindictive. what trips me out, is his primary evidence that he didn't do it is that he miraculously has he calendars from when he was 17. does that seem normal to you? if you don't have yours, you're fucked.
  18. you know who lost as much as the country in all this? yale. i'd be really embarrassed by this if i were them. they came off as kind of a party school.
  19. what i took out of yesterday, was not the guilt or innocence or the he said she said, but it was his lack of professionalism. his anger, his evasiveness, his slippery, slimy self. putting him on the bench weakens the credibility of the supreme court. it's always been held high, with honor and reverence, and lack of bias. this dude is a biased pissed angry sonofabitch. fuck him. he deserves nothing, certainly not the respect that comes with the position he seeks.
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