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Everything posted by thrillhammer

  1. that didnt make any sense. dude may be bipolar. he went from one second of pitching himself and saying how loyal he'd be and his positive energy and what he brings to the tribe, to vote me off. what the ? i thought it might be a ploy to keep sifu from playing his shot in the dark. still not sure if he wanted to be voted off or if that was a ploy. and where did the vote for dee come from? it was always between sifu and shawn. you can tell sifu is already going to be vindictive and headhunting enough that someone wrote his name down. i wonder what dee is going to do. that was an utter cluster of a tribal. amateurs being amateurs.
  2. the true enemies of the peoples front of judea is the judean peoples front.
  3. i would have stayed past the point of needing an uber. some good selections there. what stood out for you?
  4. agreed. is mi tierra great for out of towners? hell yeah. just like the riverwalk is, but its still badass for locals. a feather in our cap. i'm not a local anymore, but lived there for 11 yrs.
  5. ya'll are more confident than i, which makes me feel better. however, i urge caution. we cannot overlook them because we cannot afford another loss. every team left on the schedule is capable of beating us, including the cougs. they remind me of cu - all heart and no talent.
  6. i would like to submit two songs from his early days - slow down is a classic, and then be real. freda and the firedogs had a great version on this one. havent seen anyone mention dylan's nod to doug yet.
  7. Look at the color of your picture compared to anastasis'. see what's missing? it's the red. i dont mind the bell peppers, but the celery and bacon were a tad off. mainly it was inssufficient chili powder, imho.
  8. not sure why you think this. he was toast until emily saved him. and completely clueless and naive about it.
  9. 10,000 waves is gone? fuck me.
  10. i remember her about a thousand times for vividly than alvin. he's like a blur, barely in the picture. i had the hots back then though for kim longacre, of the reivers.
  11. i remember him working at the fly shop on congress with townes' son, jt, who is a guide out of port aransas now.
  12. i stand strongly against overly sweet also. anytime a recipe calls for simple syrup i used hummingbird food. its 1:4 sugar:water ratio as opposed to the 1:1 of simple syrup. plus i already have a tupperware container constantly made up in my fridge anyway.
  13. i'm with you on that. i find the smoke to be distracting, like it's become more about the smoke than what used to be a cocktail. not to mention the fact it's probably carcinogenic. i bought a bottle of balcones post oak once and it tasted like my shirt smells the next day after sitting around a campfire all night the night before. nasty. i had to give the bottle away.
  14. i've started making my old fashioneds with armagnac. they are much better, imo, than bourbon or rye ones. brandy old fashioneds are a thing, but all i had at home was armagnac so thats what i'm doing. elijah craig makes an old fashioned syrup, i use about a teaspoon of that. i buy the copper king cherries, and use about a teaspoon of that juice (along with a couple of cherries), 3-4 dashes of orange bitters, and most of the time i like to add about a teaspoon of a liqueur called clement creole shrub. it's got an orange flavor to it.
  15. i believe whiskeycake has one on their menu. best one i ever had was at a restaurant in houston called poutine that since closed. went there several times - great food, great cocktails, great view of the skyline from their patio.
  16. i can tolerate emily for weeks longer than i can tolerate the astrology chick. i am used to people with emily's thought process and can deal with it. stupid people i cant abide.
  17. at least theres not as much, or as many, blatantly gay contestants this season. it seems like the producers have erred and been too obvious about it the past few years. i dont get the quitting, the after one day saying i miss by bed. one day. we can do hard things, like carry around a bamboo branch. and brandon? did the dude do one pushup in all the time he had since he knew he was going to be competing? did he do any prep whatsoever? jog a little maybe? utter failure. i dont actually mind emily too much. she's not really all that negative to me, she's just got no filter and says every honest thought in her head. not very strategic. she should have bit her tongue after bruce's speech. no need to draw attention to yourself like that, especially right off the bat. pick your battles. but when the whole entire tribe thinks the pyramids were built by aliens, she just looked at them dumbfounded like i'm surrounded by idiots, and she was right. hate to see hannah go. always a looker that seems to go first.
  18. we just cant defend. in the last two games we are getting our butts kicked in time of possession and also field of possession. it seemed like tech and byu were constantly on our side of the field. i know the score was close, and thats great, but it would be nice, and improve our odds of winning, if we were the ones pressing.
  19. why didnt okie st make this list?
  20. so was leach, bryles, gundy, riley, kingsbury, tressell, saban, meyer, and on and on. most headcoaches are assholes. what's that got to do with it? i'm just saying he has a great football mind and any team would be improved if they had him in the booth.
  21. why did you say it like that? what was the record before the speech?
  22. not sure if the real truth has come out yet. no way they got 92k there selling tickets. still, a great night for volleyball and womens sports. i predict we have a game in dkr within the next three years.
  23. i always liked uh. they were like smu to me, but opposites. one classed the placed up, the other slummed the place down. uh is supercompetive and all sports - excellent baseball and basketball history, and pretty illustrious football history - first team to integrate, air raid, art bryles, tom herman, bill yeoman, jack pardee, john jenkins, major applewhite, klingler, keenum, ware. notice how all those names are offense. nor much known for a running attack. uh threw the ball and scored a shit ton. i actually always liked and respected holgersen. he's from the same school of offensive minds but he hasnt done well there, and not sure why he even left wv for uh. what kind of move is that? seemed odd then, and still does. he doesnt seem popular with the players either. that seems to be his problem. he needs to not be a head coach, and be up in the booth calling plays.
  24. i can think of lots, but yes this started out with promise and fizzled out quickly. i agree with the poster there that pointed out raylen had no function, no effect on the outcome, there was no point of him being in the show. there was some shit going down in detroit, and raylan was just walking around the city in a cowboy puzzled by it all.
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