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Bender Bending Rodriguez

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Everything posted by Bender Bending Rodriguez

  1. I think I’ve mentioned this in a junk food thread before, but Cheetos and bean dip is awesome.
  2. Lamb chops have long been my go to at the two good Carabbas (Kirby and Voss). I also really like the lamb chops at Damian’s and at Backstreet Cafe. At Backstreet they’re off the menu, but they will make them if you ask.
  3. I really liked the Clooney interview. The pranking stories were great, especially the painting one. He always comes off as a regular dude living the absolute dream life and is never too cool to acknowledge how awesome it is.
  4. I waited tables at that place for most of 2002 before joining corporate America.
  5. My wife and I had a townhome in midtown from 2005-15. For about a 6-7 year stretch our Sunday routine was to order hangover mop up combo fried rice, general tso and some egg rolls for take out. Good times..
  6. The misses walked into the garage last week and laid that mat by the TV while a Christmas mat takes it place for December. After spending a week on the garage, I’ve kinda been too lazy to move it.
  7. Had the floor done about six months ago. Spent about 6 days last month painting and decluttering. Garage has now assumed full football gorging mode.
  8. I’ve always bought my wife a GC to Fiori for birthdays/anniversaries. It’s off Westheimer by the Galleria. http://fiorispa.com
  9. Listened to a podcast about this movie last week. Old man Marley wasn’t even in Landis’ original script and was added late per the recommendation of the director. He felt the movie needed something more than the mom trying to get home to her son. Another interesting tidbit was Warner Bros was the original studio to green light the movie, but only at a $10M budget. Landis went back and forth with them claiming the movie was more of a $12-14M budget kinda movie. They refused to go above $10M and on the eve of production, 20th Century Fox said they’d give the movie a $16M budget, so the movie switched production houses. Home Alone went on to make over $500M.
  10. This sent me down a two hour Patton Oswalt rabbit hole. Pos rep.
  11. This thread gives me the biggest walking through a 1991 local movie rental store feeling that I can remember. Great stuff. My contribution is the 1979 ensemble cast greatness of Scavenger Hunt.
  12. Yeah, I think I’ve had my fill of Tabasco in a ramekin.
  13. “They said you was hung!” “And they was right.”
  14. Went for the first time myself on Thursday and had the exact same experience, except sausage instead of ribs. Meat was fantastic, the sides were interesting and not terrible, but not as impressive as the meat. I’ll go back if around that area again.
  15. I woke up one night this summer around 3am to my wife screaming at me in the kitchen. Startled, I started asking her what was going on. She said a loud noise woke her up. Turns out I was pissing in the guest bathroom and ripped the shelf above the toilet off the wall, which sent a bunch of stuff crashing to the floor. Piss and debris was everywhere. I have no recollection. It’s happened before, but not that bad.
  16. I deleted my Twitter and Facebook apps on my phone about a month ago and couldn’t be happier about it. I still have a profile, just deleted the apps making it a minor pain to access either. I found myself getting too angry about things that simply didn’t deserve that real estate in my brain. I vastly overrated how much I would miss the constant streams of information.
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