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Everything posted by triplehorn

  1. That's the killer for us right there. China shut down at like 2000 cases and diagnosed 80k with 3000 deaths (increasingly likely underreported numbers). We blew past 100k cases yesterday and still have piecemeal shutdowns leaving many millions - at least the population of Italy alone - exposed here. Do we end up with 4M cases in the next 3-4 weeks? 2% CFR is 80k deaths. 80k would be a shock insofar as that could be a rapid hit before May is over. I hate to think about it, but the numbers can escalate so fast you lose your bearings. It'll be higher if our system crashes, but I don't think that much higher, mainly because whether you have a ventilator or not doesn't seem to be the primary factor determining survival - it's being fortunate enough to not need a vent.
  2. went to the grocery store for the first time in awhile today and wore a balaclava pulled back like a neck warmer and pulled it up above my nose and half my ears. I layered in a folded cotton towelette under the balaclava that also covered my nose and mouth. So 3 layers. balaclava also pins the towel to your nose and mouth underneath well. Wore nitrile gloves and ditched em outside. Lot of other people were wearing respirators and masks, compared to maybe one or two people a couple weeks ago. I can breathe normally with that rig and not feel my breath with my hand close outside. it definitely would grab 'most' of anything coming from me talking or sneezing. despite all that, if the store was crowded I would have bailed.
  3. Trump can only create a show to manipulate and distort, and he knows Fauci's character representing the plain truth to the people doesn't fit his script. Only in this case, his denial of reality to preserve his damaged ego has already directly contributed to the unnecessary and preventable loss of untold thousands of lives. Lives already consigned to premature death from infectious viral pneumonia.
  4. Unfortunately, I think the attribution in percentage is reversed. Horribly it appears the percentages of those surviving a progression to needing ventilation is a lot worse. I saw this in a nuts and bolts post from an ED doc in the MS/LA area. Can't verify first hand:
  5. Looming accelerant to an already spiraling disaster.
  6. WASHINGTON — Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, says that Trump administration officials declined an offer of early congressional funding assistance that he and other senators made on Feb. 5 during a meeting to discuss the coronavirus. The officials, including Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, said they “didn’t need emergency funding, that they would be able to handle it within existing appropriations,” Murphy recalled in an interview with Yahoo News’ “Skullduggery” podcast. “What an awful, horrible catastrophic mistake that was,” Murphy said. On Feb. 5, Murphy tweeted: “Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now.”
  7. ----> Masks I appreciate this expert's demeanor and presentation. Solid. It's coming from the national MD spokesperson in SoKo, the country arguably doing the best job top to bottom managing covid. A lot of it is familiar to most of us by now. ~16min in : Masks rationale. Really the highlight of the interview. ~22 min in: 20% of new infections today in SoKo are being imported via inbound foreign air travel ~32 min: talks history and future of vaccines, references Dr. Fauci, and talks "repurposing" various drugs to treat Covid. I'm still waiting to hear someone discuss the potential differences in outcomes between using CHQ/HCHQ for early intervention versus late intervention. For now the emphasis still appears to be applying them to more advanced complicated cases. fwiw, I think early app is where it's at.
  8. Trump didn’t say “Easter” once in the presser yesterday after going off on Easter sugar plum tales Thursday. It was a day over day radical departure, but he’s still not communicating to millions who still lack awareness what is essential for national health and security. We’ll be at over 1000 Americans dying every day by the middle of next week, and likely double that daily by next weekend.
  9. Easter strikes again. Cuts both ways.
  10. Trump was spouting his embellished Easter imagery day before yesterday as the US rocketed through 100k cases and a death rate doubling every 3 days. Millions heed his selfish call. Calling it mass criminal negligence doesn’t seem too harsh.
  11. Trump's No. 1 fuck up, and it isn't even close, is actively denying the seriousness of the emerging pandemic. Extreme social distancing is the only way to minimize and contain the exponential spread. And when dealing with exponential curves, every single day delayed in taking action has proportionally massive worse effects visible just 20 days later. PPE/ventilators and testing are important, but actual understanding and acknowledgement of the threat are primary. If you're relying on testing in your own backyard (yields snapshot of appx numbers 9 days prior with 3 days doubling time) to make important decisions, it's too late. This is not new. And it is not a case of "no one could have foreseen."
  12. It would behoove states, probably via medical boards, psychologist boards, and health authorities to assemble volunteer mental health professionals to provide direct support (telehealth) to front line health care of any stripe throughout this ordeal. I'm also reminded of all the docs and RNs and others who are separating from their families during this to reduce their exposure and are isolating alone somewhere until they go back in.
  13. Filled pews Easter talk is so yesterday.
  14. "don't call the woman in Michigan" what a dick.
  15. In other words, you're two case doubling periods from where you were when you get results. good night.
  16. That's with no brakes and unlimited fuel. So we shouldn't see that. But even "stalling" the curve at 2000-5000 deaths per day for a week or two takes a heavy toll. Could easily end up being worse than that.
  17. Mar 17 to March 27 16 / 23 / 42 / 0 / 110 / 80 / 131 / 119 / 211 / 249 / 246 [1/2 day so far] Death rate double time of 3 days. So in about 6 days we are facing a 1000 deaths per day. 2000 deaths per day 3 days after that.
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