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Everything posted by triplehorn

  1. As you know, its not been unanimous from the start and that had no bearing on Pelosi’s outlook dating back to early 2019 when she took the gavel. Recall the incremental announcements in support of impeachment by individual Reps all summer into the Fall. And now a major toe hold was just devastatingly laid out in the run up to the TG/Christmas recesses. Considering the challenges of maintaining positive momentum for that duration with an ongoing crescendo, Pelosi deserves serious credit. Arguably Pelosi is using Dem ‘holdouts’ as more powder for when a unanimous push is needed. Sure GOP PR and spin will paint it as ‘divided’ but expect that will fall flat beginning sometime in early 2020.
  2. Yep. Full throttle PR effort in effect to sow doubt and dampen public push for formal impeachment. And from a public attention/perception standpoint for the House initiative to impeach, it's definitely still too soon to impeach. Only three more weeks of Congress in session this year and have to get through the holidays. Never mind that a lot more evidence and compelled testimony stands to not become available until early next year.
  3. Not naive. In fact, Pelosi has signaled from the start that they wouldn't proceed with articles of impeachment unless they have an "ironclad case." That will NOT be the case prior to the start of 2020. Too much is outstanding in the courts that will destroy Trump and fill GOP Senate with absolute dread. It will take some time, but Trump will ultimately lose in the courts on everything. The payoff for being patient is likely enormous. House won't formally impeach Trump until it has maximal potential to disembowel Senate GOP for acquittal. Not there yet, but will be by early 2020. Signals now about moving expeditiously are almost assuredly about perception management and not dragging it out intentionally. Meanwhile more evidentiary revelations come out by the hour. See new evidence in Roger Stone trial showing Trump lied to Mueller, and last night's revelations about Pompeo and Nunes running a coordinated Russian disinfo campaign with Rudy and Putin-linked mobsters to influence the 2020 election.
  4. The House has multiple options moving forward. So much is still in the balance that will inform what path they take. Access to Mueller grand jury materials, ability to compel witnesses in Mueller/Trump obstruction, tax and bank financials are all pending with potential final decisions on some matters as early as Monday. Hard evidence of Trump tax fraud, bank fraud, and or laundering illicit foreign cash is GOP Senate’s worst nightmare to acquit.
  5. Good NYT read: former Fox News host lays out the Fox formula for daily manipulation of the public: Why Fox News Slimed a Purple Heart Recipient: As a former talk-show guest host on the channel, I can explain the art and purpose behind attacking Colonel Vindman.
  6. Good synopsis: Keeping in mind Nunes met with Shokin in Vienna - where Putin mobster Dmitry Firtash is holed up, out on bail, fighting extradition to the US How many times did Nunes demand to have Hunter Biden testify during the past two weeks of House impeachment inquiry testimonies ?
  7. That was directed at a select few here.
  8. This is crazy. Trump obstructed Congress from getting info from State Dept that was just publicly released to American Oversight?? There some kind of disturbance in the space time continuum happening ?
  9. careful, some of y'all might choke on that third bullet
  10. Nunes <- >Parnas <-> Giuliani/Trump (add Barr for good measure) They all appear to be a part of this corruptly conceived snipe hunt by Russian intelligence re 2016 Ukraine interference. what's one of the surest ways to get people in power to act a fool ? follow the money: Nunes 2016-18 cycle "unitemized donations" = $25,038 Nunes 2019-20 cycle "unitemized donations" = $3,102,309 so far Probably a good idea to dig into those 50+ bank accounts tied to Lev Parnas to find out if any cash ended up with someone willing to act a fool.
  11. Right now, I’m more interested to know what Parnas can testify to about his business with Nunes than Trump/Giuliani. So much of what is helping prop up the GOP cover-up illusion is the tenuous firewall between the WH and Congress re Russia matters. There are multiple potential points of breach into Congress related to Russian cash and coordination. Having the indicted mob-linked Ukrainian Parnas finger Devin would be big and shift the scales of R credibility during impeachment.
  12. Good stuff. And smart. It’s all about access to evidence/testimony while staying focused on the clock.
  13. Not a lawyer, but I gather it's pretty far along. We're at SCOTUS level for Trump's tax returns for the parallel cases involving Mazars and the Manhattan DA. Happening today: should know more Monday. but keep an eye out for another caravan to Walter Reed this weekend.
  14. per Politico By DARREN SAMUELSOHN11/22/2019 05:13 AM ESTRight now, impeachment is all about Ukraine. But after Thanksgiving, prepare for a Robert Mueller reprise.Now that House Democrats have wrapped up public hearings on President Donald Trump’s pressure campaign to get Ukraine to launch politically advantageous investigations, there are plans to hold at least one public impeachment hearing on Trump’s misdeeds as alleged in the special counsel’s report.It’s a gathering that could fuel articles of impeachment beyond those tied to the Ukraine controversy. Democrats say they have new Mueller-related fodder after Roger Stone’s recent trial raised questions about whether Trump provided false statements to the special counsel’s team. And the hearing could even feature a star witness — former White House counsel Don McGahn. A judge is set to rule in the coming days on whether McGahn must comply with a House subpoena.Story Continued Below [...] House leadership signaled the plans in court filings and oral arguments this week, as the Democrats’ attorneys fought to get McGahn’s testimony, as well as access to more of the evidence Mueller used to write his final report.
  15. ---> Don McGahn ruling on Monday
  16. This has been fully expected and planned for a good while.
  17. Blind vote cuts both ways - GOP Senate can vote to acquit and not face repercussions due to both anonymity to the electorate and avoiding retaliation from Dotard for trying to bounce him.
  18. Nunes is flat out of steam. Even he doesn't pretend to take his words seriously.
  19. 'bout time. news of Bibi set to be indicted dates back to spring/summer of 2017.
  20. Also - TODAY - note this reveal from Trump about Mueller and his taxes: There was reporting a long time ago that Mueller got Trump's taxes (as well as cooperation from Deutsche Bank with Mueller's subpoena). Obviously Congress hasn't had access to all Mueller's evidence/grand jury materials, so that specific evidence is likely sitting there waiting to drop. Mueller kept his report very focused on Russian election intereference and proceeded as a company man knowing he couldn't/wouldn't indict Trump per the OLC opinion. But god knows what's teed up for Congress if/when the courts rule in favor of Congress in its attempt to gain access to it. Of course Trump is claiming Mueller found nothing in his taxes/financials without actually allowing to be shown what Mueller saw. Trump is breathing on borrowed time.
  21. That peels back another corner, doesn't it. Hi, Devin ! you guilty fucking traitor
  22. Yep. They use mob tactics/talk to carry out orders instead. "This was a vintage mob operation with Trump at the top not putting his fingers too directly on things but sending out his lieutenant Rudy Giuliani..."
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