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Ben Tobin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ben Tobin

  1. I know his family moved there for his dad’s job but not sure his ages while there. Probably junior and high school at least
  2. Same with The Appalachian area, though he did spend time as a kid there
  3. Read Child of God first followed closely by The Orchard Keeper. Finished Suttree while still in Knoxville walking the same streets. Nothing more to be said about Blood Meridian, a masterpiece in my opinion. Everything else is good. Really enjoy his style. He nailed the East Tennessee dialect so well that it was hard not to read everything in that ‘voice’. RIP
  4. I have shitty friends and that last abomination that has the Werewolves of London lead in was the Lake Travis Anthem during the MAGA lake parade era. Closest two dozen times I came to murder/suicide
  5. I'll just say that, for me personally, if this means the end of Kid Rock, it will all have been worth it.
  6. My guess is that fear of the unknown stretches back to our lizard days and one of the greatest unknowns was where babies came from. This made women near mythical creatures and some cultures responded with fertility goddesses and others went with "I don't understand it so kill it". Men have always harbored a fear of women and it often leads to violence. But what do I know
  7. If I give you something incredible, will you give me something amazing?
  8. You could see it in Shiv’s face when she saw Ken in Daddy’s chair. Really thought Ken was gonna take the elevator to the roof and jump.
  9. How the fuck would some ‘neck from Pulaski know shit about home prices in Nashville?
  10. Left alone with big fat Andie she was always feelin randy. Big lunch lady you made a bad boy outta me
  11. Huh. Now that you mention it, I guess I have only had sex with my wife for 31 years.
  12. The Incredible Huck would klink their heads together like Larry and Shemp
  13. That’s good thinking. You must have been in the First World War.
  14. I guess European PB’s use the Peter Meter
  15. "I believe there'll be no charge on this two-four of beer."
  16. Clarence, what the hell are you doing? Is this dude some homeboy from 3rd grade? No? Then write him the fuck off and move on. For fucks sake
  17. Looks kinda like dude painted his own face on there
  18. 2nd Amendment joke in 5 4 3..
  19. What’s wrong, snowflake? Thought you conservatwats loved you some corporate welfare. Why do you hate job creators? Can’t get shit trickling down if you don’t pour it in on top
  20. Oh how the reaping burns. Enjoy the fruit, assholes
  21. He was also married to Morgan Fairchild
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