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Ben Tobin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ben Tobin

  1. I just want one of them to really, really try to convince me. Give it their absolute best shot.
  2. Hates their guts and livers
  3. That mug shot of Connie doesn’t do her any favors. Here she is all dolled up and ready to hit the town
  4. Fuck yes! Love me some Devin: My dick's skinny and crooked, But it do make room; Put it in the pussy Stir it like a kool-aid spoon.
  5. This right here. Could not have said it better
  6. Dang, that was lucky. Doggone nearly lost a $400 hand cart
  7. Watch out folks, he’s a fairly dangerous man. You may not know it, but this man’s a spy. He’s an undercover agent for the FBI And he’s been sent down here to infiltrate the Q uh non.
  8. Ooooh wee he mad! Just look at those eyes, all crossways
  9. Love the Abbott is a Democrat sign
  10. Would you buy furniture from a place called Unpainted Huffhines?
  11. Prayers sent. So sorry for your loss
  12. thanks for the head's up. love this show!
  13. Chapter 32: How to Fancy Up Any Event with Hamberders
  14. Slap on one's own wrist situation. Assistant coach allegedly gave a credit card to a couple of current players to take a recruit out to dinner. Radio fanbois and twitter twats ran with the rumors to pressure UT to fire with cause. Likely have a coach or two limited on contact with recruits and maybe lose a scholly or two. Good news for Texas is there are a number of VOL fans trumpeting Herman as a replacement for Beldar LOLOLOLOL
  15. Just because I don't know what it means, doesn't mean I'm lying. Also
  16. The replies are awesome: The Queen of England can’t even control her own daughter-in-law you fucking mook!
  17. Need to bill these idiots for the search expense
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