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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by bmbmd

  1. Lulz Uncle Phil.
  2. Make it five....
  3. You're such a silly woman.
  4. Well, move on or move out.
  5. bmbmd

    Arrowhead Hunting

    Mr. Helton ran the hardware store in my hometown, and was a private pilot with his own plane. After our infrequent heavy rains in the late fifties early sixties, he would head off on a bright sunny day and scour the dunes west of Morton, Texas. You know, the greater Bledsoe-Notrees area. My dad the geology professor went up with him several times. He said they could see glints of light reflecting on the newly unearthed fragments. Where the concentration was high, Mr. Helton would drop a bag of flour to mark the spot. They went back later that afternoon in an old jeep and made a haul. One whole wall of Helton's store was covered with framed arrowheads and artifacts.
  6. Maybe your hatred of all things maroon doesn't burn as brightly as mine, but I read every missive from Randolph Duke like it was the Magna Carta. And, there's only one Thujone.
  7. https://twitter.com/Home_Of_FSM/status/1505625418807795720?s=20&t=6k17PqwvnxmYSHkK0GcpVg I count 14.
  8. Can't believe I actually get to catch a game.
  9. "The count stood four to two with just one inning left to play." (and so when Mooney died at first and Burrows did the same, a gloomy outlook fell upon the patrons of the game)
  10. Punchable face.
  11. And it's deep, too.
  12. I worked with the Indian Health Service in Glasgow Montana in the mid-eighties. It was an open secret that the ice shanties on Medicine Lake were serviced by a group of young Sioux ladies. Being situated entirely on Indian Nation land, the state and local police were powerless. Eventually, Reservation Police enlisted the FBI and conducted a raid one Saturday morning. A lot of locals, including the sheriff of a near-by town, were caught red handed. Medicine Lake is famous for its winter pike spear fishing don't you know.
  13. …. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. It was 83 degrees in Orlando today.
  15. bmbmd

    AFC: Bills v Chiefs

  16. “Back off man. I’m a scientist.”
  17. KFM reference always appropriate.
  18. He spoke to our school when I was in Junior High-ca 1967. Afterwards, a bunch of us got his autograph while he smoked a cigarette. In the auditorium.
  19. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Pour one out for this grand old dame. Renay Mandel Corren Obituary - Fayetteville Observer (fayobserver.com)
  21. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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