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  1. My friend found this out the hard way. We're in Oklahoma and he bought a Tesla. They told him it would be ready on such and such date. He assumed he would pick it up at the local showroom. Whoops, direct sales aren't allowed here, so he had to drive from OKC to Kansas City to get it.
  2. I have seen this but had no idea who made it. I thought the ending sucked, but overall it was ok I guess.
  3. I was in Jr High and went with my dad when he took our dog to the vet. She got her shots and had a stool sample taken, nothing out of the ordinary. But we went back in the waiting room and my little beagle took a massive shit on the floor, I guess the sample collection got the mail moving, so to speak. Then, as I'm sitting there in horror, the super hot vet tech came over and cleaned it up. And she wasn't fazed at all, she was super friendly. I wanted to dig a hole to China and jump right inside.
  4. Wife: What should I text to Daughter about [serious situation]? Me: Tell her exactly this [Profound Fatherly Wisdom] Wife: Ok, I just typed absolutely nothing you said. Is that ok?
  5. I got an email from an online clothing retailer, proclaiming that they're having an amazing site-wide 10% off sale. Really, 10%? I don't give a shit about 10, come find me when you get to 25%.
  6. Sandman


    Both of my grandkids were hanging with us tonight. The boy will be 2 in a couple of months and he was absolutely feral tonight. Running around, touching shit he's not supposed to touch, just having the time of his life. Meanwhile, I sounded exactly like my dad did back in the day. "Boy, get over here!". They left at 8pm, I felt like it was almost midnight, so exhausted. We had fun, though!
  7. Fuck no. I remember seeing part of an episode when I was a kid, I couldn't believe people watched that low budget looking shit.
  8. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    Yeah, I have had 2 bad discs for over 25 years. It just got the jump on me today, dirty bastards.
  9. I always liked the idea that Bond wasn't a real guy, but a job title. You would have a Bond retire or die and someone would get promoted. Skyfall fucked that all up. It's a mess. Haven't watched the last few.
  10. As an OSU fan who lives in the OKC burbs, I'm not driving all the way to Stilly on a weeknight to watch the shit they've been running out there for years. I wouldn't even make it in time for tip off, anyway. But to make it even, I quit watching on TV, too.
  11. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    I stood up from my desk and my back gave out. Had a shooting pain that went all the way down into my ass cheek. I cried out like a bitch, luckily no one heard me. I staggered to where I needed to go without too much trouble. 20 mins later, had to get up again. I got up with no problems. WTF?
  12. David Boren, former Oklahoma governor, US senator, OU president, dies at 83
  13. Got diagnosed with shingles one week ago. I just finished all of the medication, and the sores are doing well. However, I am in such pain. My skin is so sensitive, the nerves are all fucked up. I've read everything I can find, things seem normal, I guess. But I'm so tired of this. My stomach isn't great most times but now it feels all fucked up. I don't know if its from the meds or the shingles or something else. I stopped taking my omeprezole when I started the shingles meds, just because I wasn't sure how they'd interact. Maybe that's why my gut is fucked up? I hope that's all it is. Then to top things off, my cologuard test results came back and I need to have the colonoscopy anyway. I'm just not in a good place. My wife is my rock and is doing her best but I know I am difficult in these situations. I've caught myself having mini breakdowns all day. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow and I don't know if I can do it, physically. I want off this fucking ride.
  14. That's a lie, they have to talk to eastern Euros. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to order food in any restaurants.
  15. Every time I go to London, I break out the fanny pack. Sunglasses, readers, mints, dude wipes, wallet. I'm ready for anything. No one bats an eye, it's so commonplace over there. Now, as a giant-sized man, no one here in the US would say anything to my face but I'd just feel weird using one here. I see them more and more, maybe one day I'll get over it.
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