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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. My wife, kids and I are all in a Life360 group. I got it when the kids started driving and we've never gotten rid of it. But I find myself instinctively trying to track people that aren't in my group. Like if I'm meeting my sister for lunch or waiting for my buddy to get to the golf course. "Where the fuck are they?", I'll reach for my phone to check and feel like a moron.
  2. We had this shit happen at my office (state agency). They started WFH during covid and some people just couldn't be bothered to actually fucking work. But instead of singling out those fucks individually, they just punished the whole group and made them all come back to the office. So stupid.
  3. I know she had a kid with the QB that died of cancer. Don't know of any other pregnancies but from the stuff I remember, she tried to bang every dude on the team.
  4. His daughter was fun, though.
  5. Sorry, but fuck that dumb woman. Why would you go into the house and say "We have a problem. You have to see this"? It wasn't a double rainbow or some other stupid shit. You run in and say "There's a fire headed our way, we need to pack up and leave ASAP!". Life isn't a sitcom, talk like a human being.
  6. Chain up the bums and let the goats roam free, then.
  7. Thought this clip from 4 weeks ago was kind of eerie. Hadn't seen it before, came up in my recommeded list after watching live streams all day.
  8. How do you feel about "rest in piss" for someone you hate?
  9. Just finished this. Going against the grain here, but I thought it was boring. It picked up a little when Defoe checks in but over all, a snoozer IMO. Note: I had never heard of the director or seen any of his previous works. Went in blind, maybe that played a part?
  10. I got Willie Mays and Jimmy Carter. Not many points there.
  11. We had Christmas with my family yesterday, my dad and my sister came over, as did my kids and grandkids. My sister told me she was bringing some kind of oven-baked sandwiches for lunch. That's fine, I said. She is not a bad cook but we have different tastes. I do not eat onions. I don't like the taste but more importantly, they just tear up my stomach. I don't ever ask for a dish to be altered to my tastes, I just silently avoid anything I don't want to eat. Once, my sister made these mini meatloves for a family get together. I do not like meatloaf at all but it smelled fine and I tried it. I immediately tasted onion and asked her if it had onions in it. Her reply was "You can't even taste it! I minced it up really fine!". I said that obviously I could taste it and furthermore, why add it in if you can't even taste it? She had no reply, I finished my meal and was miserable after I got home. My sister arrives and says she made 2 pans of "regular" sandwiches and one with "stuff" on it. I go for the regular and after the first bite, I taste onion. I ask if there's onion in it and she says "just onion powder! I didn't think it would bother you!". I guess she doesn't know what onion powder is made of. "Can you even taste it?", she asked. Well, how the fuck do you think I knew it was in there? (I did not say this). I don't know why you need onion powder on a sandwich but whatever. She just can't help herself, I guess. I didn't eat much of it, so there were no bad effects.
  12. My favorite Rickey story is when he went to the Mets and John Olerud was on that team. Olerud had to wear a batting helmet at all times, as he had suffered a brain hemorrhage years before and he wanted to be extra careful about his head. Upon talking with Olerud, Rickey said "That's funny, I had a teammate in Toronto that also wore a helmet all the time". Olerud said "Yeah...that was me. We played in Toronto together".
  13. This hit me last night, no fever but congestion and bad gut cramps. I starting shitting water around 9 PM and it didn't slow down till 4AM this morning. Not sure if this is an illness or due to the massive amounts of pizza I ate over the weekend.
  14. Even though we left northern California over 40 years ago, I was born there, so this hits close to home.
  15. Had a friend do this and he came to work with 2 different loafers on, one black and one brown.
  16. I go into the office every other week, I rotate with this woman, so we never see each other. Every day, the person in the office has to put the daily filings into a folder and that folder gets put in a filing cabinet. A drawer can fit 6 months of folders in it, so every 6 months you have to start a new drawer. At the beginning of July, I started putting the folders into a new drawer. But when I came back, I noticed she must have forgotten because she put her shit in the wrong drawer. I moved it and didn't say anything. It has been 6 fucking months and she is still putting her shit in the wrong drawer. I was going to say something but I wanted to see if she would eventually figure it out but nope. I guess she thinks it's like a bag of holding, you can just fill it up forever and it will never get full. If I were a younger man, I might wonder how she could be so oblivious but I'm old and have been married twice, so I know the deal.
  17. We were at target and in the kids toys, for reasons I can't understand, there was a kiddie abacus: Wife: We should get that so our grandkids can be smart! Me: Should we get you one too? Wife: Shut up
  18. Sunday morning, I asked my wife if she wanted to go out anywhere, or would she rather just chill at home. I told her I'm in the mood to stay home and she agreed. An hour or so later, she proclaimed that she wanted to put up the christmas decorations. I don't care what she puts out and let her have free reign of the decorating, so she doesn't mind that I go in the other room and leave her to it. But it never fails: "Can you come move this?" "Can you carry this?" "Can you hold this up?". Fuck, I just wanted to watch ONE football game.
  19. There's a new Target christmas ad, has a mom pushing a cart with her kid sitting in it. They're walking through the parking lot as the snow gently falls around them...and she's wearing sandals and no coat. Fuck off, target.
  20. If there's a verified tattoo on it, I'll keep it under consideration.
  21. If they're smart enough to ask about that during jury selection, you're right.
  22. If I'm on a murder trial jury, there's got to be a body to get a conviction. Or at least a pool of the victim's blood that's large enough to determine that they couldn't live after losing that much blood.
  23. I don't do yard work but I get what you mean. I guess I'm just too deep into my routine of "get up, shower, dress and go". I don't want to put on clean clothes if I haven't bathed.
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