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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. Bought a new TV and realized the HDMI and coax ports are on the opposite side of the TV, compared to my old one, and the cables I currently use aren't long enough. I checked Walmart's website and they claimed they had everything I need in stock but their site is usually full of shit. Not this time! They had everything I needed. I had my stuff and was out of there in 10 mins.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Captain Ron said:

    Finally, there is just so much content now, cable shows, streaming, movie, etc. And we expect it to be good.

    Shit, I don't. I pretty much gave up on 90% of TV programming, other than documentaries or the occasional HBO series. The acting is just bad and the writing isn't far behind. Every time I walk through the living room and see the trash my wife is watching, I just shake my head. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  3. 17 minutes ago, nbmishoid said:

    Sadly, no SIL or DIL is short of a mountain of imperfections.  I imagine what I must look like to them.  But all kinds of people find a way to make a partnership work.  

    I agree, I am certainly not without flaws. I told my wife I hope to see them at their 30th anniversary and laugh about how dumb I was for thinking they wouldn't last. Sadly, I don't see them together in 5 years. 

  4. My grandchild arrived about 10 days ago. Mother and child are both fine and healthy. But I still feel disconnected, like it isn't real or it's not happening to ME. Like I'm watching a show on tv and while I don't hate it, I'm really not interested and would rather change the channel. I was at the hospital when he was born, I've been to their house a few times, it's not like I'm avoiding anyone. I'm just not feeling it. The whole thing feels so foreign to me, I don't understand it.

    It doesn't help that I think my SIL is pretty dumb, there's no other way to say it. I'm worried he can't or won't keep a job and take care of his responsibilities. He's had 4-5 different jobs in the last year. He's not an asshole or rude or abusive. He's naive at best and retarded at worst. I think he'll eventually give up and tell my daughter they need to move to where his parents live, which is about a 10 or so hour drive away. My wife would be horribly crushed, I hate to even think about it. She absolutely loves being a grandmother. I feel like I'm a piece of shit because I don't think I would be that upset. Children grow up and move away, that's what happens. My parents did it, I did it for a short time too. Who am I to demand that they stay here?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. I ordered a tiny part for my car on 4-22, got the email on 4-24 that it had shipped. I track it the next day to see an ETA, it just says the label had been created, the package hadn't actually been taken by the USPS. That's ok, I can wait. I track it again yesterday and it still hadn't left. So after it still hadn't left this morning, I send an email, nothing snarky just "Hey what's up?". I hadn't got a reply yet but I tracked the package again after waiting an hour and 8 minutes after I sent the email, my package was miraculously on it's way to my house. You know some fucker read the email and said "Oh shit" and threw the box out the door.

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  6. 23 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    No shit. Mine just yells unintelligibly from across the house.

    Mine will say something quietly or at a normal tone when she's far away, but she'll yell in my ear when I'm lying next to her in bed. There's no happy medium.


  7. 7 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Also depends how old you are. I'm 38 so for Dallas' Super Bowls, i wasn't born for their first 2 and was in grade school for the 3 in 4 years. I think it shows how good they were for the 70s to mid 90s to where almost a 30 year drought, they still are at the top of overall rings.

    Yeah, age is a big factor. I can talk shit about the 49ers having 5 rings because I was actually alive and watching football when they won them. Sure, it's been almost 30 years since they won one but dammit, I can remember (for now). 

  8. 4 hours ago, Nivek said:

    Cable became too expensive and the majority of networks were too shitty and I got older/busier

    This was me. My interest level across all sports has dwindled with each passing day, and ESPN hasn't been able to produce anything to entice me to tune in. 

  9. My buddy's dad is 75, his leukemia has made a return visit. After being told he's got around 3 months left, they decide they're going to do some new, aggressive treatment. Before he starts the new treatment, he fell and broke his hip. Treatment delayed until he heals, so his time is running out. While he's in rehab, he gets a bad bedsore. Treatment needs to be delayed further. The doc tells my friend, "If it were my own father, I'd look into hospice care". His dad is pretending that this will all blow over and won't have The Talk. My friend is taking it hard. 

    My dad is 75, is in so-so health after almost dying a few years ago. His brother isn't doing well. Dad told me if his brother dies, He won't be able to travel to the funeral. He can't ride in a car for very long (back), he can't fly (eye problems from the Beetus). He didn't sound like he was too upset but I can tell it bothers him. 

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  10. 12 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    A kid that young looking comes to your door in the daylight, just be a man for once and assume he's amazon, selling some shit, getting a petition signed, whatever

    You're asking a lot from the people I see on here that won't answer their phone if they don't know the number. You think they're gonna get up and answer the door???

    As the father of twins, I'm a little perplexed by the "Younger twin brother" statement. Who says that? I never have. 

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  11. Slowly making progress on my '79 Camaro. I got my seats installed, that wasn't too bad. I have the carpet but I held off trying to put that in because I wanted to see how my "Tall Person" seat extension brackets would work. Turns out they work great, so I can do the carpet later. My brand new seat belts that Ebay "Guaranteed" would fit...did not. It wasn't even close. But I went to the salvage yard and got one for $9.00, so that took away some of the sting. 

    After that, I finally got to take my wife on a short cruise. She's only somewhat scared to ride in it, lol.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Brothahorn said:
    On 4/14/2023 at 8:01 AM, Armybrat said:
    Texas is in the minority when it comes to annual vehicle inspections….

    It's just a money-making scheme for child safety. Because they damn sure don't use it to fix roads and bridges.

    It was so much bullshit. When we had inspections in Oklahoma, it was $5 and the shop got to keep around $1 of that. But since it was such a waste of manpower, you got the lowest guy on the totem pole to do your inspection. So the idea that it was going to "Keep people safe" was a joke. Like Jethro, the HS dropout was the one man keeping unsafe cars off the road. Unless it was his buddy/family member/some hot chick. It was mostly a tax on the poor. "Oh, your tires are too bald,, no sticker and no driving until it gets fixed. What's that, now you can't drive to work to get money to fix the tires? Too bad, poor guy. "

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  13. 2 hours ago, Celery Man said:

    anyone else's wife constantly startled by their presence? If I'm walking downstairs in the morning to get coffee I sing or hum as I'm going down the stairs so she doesn't throw whatever she is holding at the shock of me appearing out of thin air. I'm sitting in my office right now, which is where I am most weekdays at this time. She just walked by and let out a startled gasp when she saw me from the hallway.

    If I happen to walk silently into the room and catch her off guard, she recoils and gasps "OMG you scared me!". If I try to make some noise to announce that I'm en route to her location, I get "OMG I heard a noise and I was like what's that and it freaked me out!".


  14. 46 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    Man I'm glad my wife and I both agreed that cards were stupid before we got married. 

    My wife and I will show each other a card when we happen to be at the store. "Happy birthday, look at this funny card". Then we put the cards back and move on. She thinks it's great, I lucked out. 

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