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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I never had a taco until I was nearly 20. My parents are from the midwest and didn't grow up eating tacos, thusly I didn't grow up eating them either. Dad was in the military, so I grew up mostly in West Germany, not exactly a hotbed of mexican cuisine. So, no tacos for me until a friend suggested Taco Bell one night.
  2. It's not local and it'll take a month to get them but I go to DHgate for my fake sneaker needs. You can pay with applepay, no worries about getting ripped off IMO.
  3. Sometimes it isn't up to you. My ex-wife asked me about getting our kids phones, I said they didn't need them. That was all she needed to hear, so she went out and bought them phones immediately. I refused to pay for any of it, but I had to admit that it was nice to be able to text them directly and not have to wonder what they were doing or where they were. Fast forward a few years and the kids were talking about phones in class and I said they shouldn't have them out in the classroom. They looked at me like I was regarded and said that the phones were REQUIRED. They had to be able to look up shit and use the calculator. I couldn't believe it.
  4. I worked with a guy, didn't know him well and only saw him during shift change (law enforcement). He accidently killed his toddler son. The official word was his gun went off while he was cleaning it, but word soon got around. He was in his room, practicing his "quick draw", when his finger slipped and he fired the gun. The bullet went through the wall and killed his little son. Any time I saw the guy after that he just had the 1000 yard stare. His dad worked there too, he was a supervisor and when I saw him after that, he had a constant look of anguish on his face. I was around 25 at the time and childless, so it didn't really hit me as hard as it would if I heard it today.
  5. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    My daughter and her fiance came by the house. While my wife talked to my daughter, he produced a football and we had a good catch in the street. My arm is now very hot and weak as a baby's.
  6. When I tap on an app or on a button in an app and it darkens, but it doesn't "count" as actually tapping it. The phone just says "Sike!" and I have to try again.
  7. When Bud Black pitched for the Giants, one of his catchers at the time was Steve Decker. The battery of Black & Decker was quite hilarious to many a baseball announcer. I was over it the second or third time I heard it. /csb
  8. Man, some of these people seem incredibly entitled. If no one wants to buy what you're selling, who's fault is it? I applaud people who have taken risks and chased their dream but sometimes it doesn't work out.
  9. Are you telling me that The Wolf Pack doesn't have my best interests at heart????
  10. I tried to go with USAA a couple of times, but I had both my kids on my policy at the time and the rate was almost double what I was currently paying. The rep said, "Yeah, USAA doesn't like teen drivers", so I never tried again. I recently switched to another company because my house rate blew up. Oklahoma usually has horrible rates due to the fucked up weather, but this was ridiculous.
  11. Bought a new TV and realized the HDMI and coax ports are on the opposite side of the TV, compared to my old one, and the cables I currently use aren't long enough. I checked Walmart's website and they claimed they had everything I need in stock but their site is usually full of shit. Not this time! They had everything I needed. I had my stuff and was out of there in 10 mins.
  12. It probaby makes you lose your appetite. Shit, I should try some.
  13. Shit, I don't. I pretty much gave up on 90% of TV programming, other than documentaries or the occasional HBO series. The acting is just bad and the writing isn't far behind. Every time I walk through the living room and see the trash my wife is watching, I just shake my head.
  14. Watched "The Pope's Exorcist" tonight. I liked it, Crowe was great.
  15. I agree, I am certainly not without flaws. I told my wife I hope to see them at their 30th anniversary and laugh about how dumb I was for thinking they wouldn't last. Sadly, I don't see them together in 5 years.
  16. My grandchild arrived about 10 days ago. Mother and child are both fine and healthy. But I still feel disconnected, like it isn't real or it's not happening to ME. Like I'm watching a show on tv and while I don't hate it, I'm really not interested and would rather change the channel. I was at the hospital when he was born, I've been to their house a few times, it's not like I'm avoiding anyone. I'm just not feeling it. The whole thing feels so foreign to me, I don't understand it. It doesn't help that I think my SIL is pretty dumb, there's no other way to say it. I'm worried he can't or won't keep a job and take care of his responsibilities. He's had 4-5 different jobs in the last year. He's not an asshole or rude or abusive. He's naive at best and retarded at worst. I think he'll eventually give up and tell my daughter they need to move to where his parents live, which is about a 10 or so hour drive away. My wife would be horribly crushed, I hate to even think about it. She absolutely loves being a grandmother. I feel like I'm a piece of shit because I don't think I would be that upset. Children grow up and move away, that's what happens. My parents did it, I did it for a short time too. Who am I to demand that they stay here?
  17. I ordered a tiny part for my car on 4-22, got the email on 4-24 that it had shipped. I track it the next day to see an ETA, it just says the label had been created, the package hadn't actually been taken by the USPS. That's ok, I can wait. I track it again yesterday and it still hadn't left. So after it still hadn't left this morning, I send an email, nothing snarky just "Hey what's up?". I hadn't got a reply yet but I tracked the package again after waiting an hour and 8 minutes after I sent the email, my package was miraculously on it's way to my house. You know some fucker read the email and said "Oh shit" and threw the box out the door.
  18. Mine will say something quietly or at a normal tone when she's far away, but she'll yell in my ear when I'm lying next to her in bed. There's no happy medium.
  19. Yeah, age is a big factor. I can talk shit about the 49ers having 5 rings because I was actually alive and watching football when they won them. Sure, it's been almost 30 years since they won one but dammit, I can remember (for now).
  20. This was me. My interest level across all sports has dwindled with each passing day, and ESPN hasn't been able to produce anything to entice me to tune in.
  21. Sandman

    Getting old sucks

    My buddy's dad is 75, his leukemia has made a return visit. After being told he's got around 3 months left, they decide they're going to do some new, aggressive treatment. Before he starts the new treatment, he fell and broke his hip. Treatment delayed until he heals, so his time is running out. While he's in rehab, he gets a bad bedsore. Treatment needs to be delayed further. The doc tells my friend, "If it were my own father, I'd look into hospice care". His dad is pretending that this will all blow over and won't have The Talk. My friend is taking it hard. My dad is 75, is in so-so health after almost dying a few years ago. His brother isn't doing well. Dad told me if his brother dies, He won't be able to travel to the funeral. He can't ride in a car for very long (back), he can't fly (eye problems from the Beetus). He didn't sound like he was too upset but I can tell it bothers him.
  22. The OKC metro just got blasted with hail. My poor roof. Fuck this shit.
  23. My wife has done this same move whilst holding her phone in her hand.
  24. 55.75% for me. F the haters.
  25. Those Marshall's employees didn't bother lifting a finger. They already know they have killer deals, customers enter at their own risk.
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