My buddy's dad is 75, his leukemia has made a return visit. After being told he's got around 3 months left, they decide they're going to do some new, aggressive treatment. Before he starts the new treatment, he fell and broke his hip. Treatment delayed until he heals, so his time is running out. While he's in rehab, he gets a bad bedsore. Treatment needs to be delayed further. The doc tells my friend, "If it were my own father, I'd look into hospice care". His dad is pretending that this will all blow over and won't have The Talk. My friend is taking it hard.
My dad is 75, is in so-so health after almost dying a few years ago. His brother isn't doing well. Dad told me if his brother dies, He won't be able to travel to the funeral. He can't ride in a car for very long (back), he can't fly (eye problems from the Beetus). He didn't sound like he was too upset but I can tell it bothers him.