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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Years ago, my wife said she had coupons for free stuff at Victoria's Secret (beach towels IIRC) so she was taking our kids and going up there. I said cool. She comes home with several bags, I said gee, that's a lot of stuff, what's the damage. She gets a sheepish look and says $250 or something. I blew up and said what happened to free??? She said she got the free stuff but then they had other stuff that wasn't free, sooooo. I just walked away and kept to myself for the next 12 hours or so.
  2. Ha, the rumor I saw was Cale. There's only 2 teams left playing, not sure who we could be looking at.
  3. I've heard rumors that he's out and that's why all these WR are leaving. Why they haven't announced anything yet is beyond me. They need to do that ASAP.
  4. There's a line we all come to at some point and that line is "Do I do this chore myself, because I'm a fucking man" or "Fuck this, I can afford to pay someone to do this chore for me". I feel like Mr. Renner is way beyond that line. If I were in his shoes, I'd be staring out the window at the snow saying, "I'd hate to be the asshole plowing this shit". Or better yet, I'd never see snow because I'd be in a tropical climate 24/7.
  5. Says the guy with a big Q avatar. Are you in on this??!?!?!
  6. Who knew that Norman, OK could produce such a classy guy? I sure didn't.
  7. Fuck, he's only a couple of years older than my kids. This is horrible.
  8. He couldn't have waited another day? Now I need a new person. I'll go with Jimmy Carter.
  9. Barbara Walters checks out at 93.
  10. All right, listen up, ladies and gentlemen, our fugitive has been on the run for 8 days. Average truck speed, over uneven ground, barring injuries, is 60 miles per hour. That gives us a radius of... many miles. What I want from each and every one of you is a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse in that area. Checkpoints go up at fifteen miles. Your fugitive's name is ROFLBOX. Go get him.
  11. We bought our 2 couches when we moved in 9 years ago. We only use the one that sits in front of the TV, just never have any company over to sit in the other one. Well, the one couch is worn down, not as comfy anymore. I was prepared to have to make a trip to the furniture store but to my surprise, my wife was ok with my idea to just swap the couches around. She said she's good for another 9 years. This is the only humblebrag I'll ever get, so just let me have it.
  12. Been wanting to do this for a while, had a terrible time finding what I wanted, but now it's done. I picked up a 1979 Camaro over the weekend. Runs strong and drives, has a 350. The interior is...not there, really. Needs a lot of work. I'm excited and terrified.
  13. 1. Gene Hackman 2. Pope Ben 16 3. Clint Eastwood 4. Willie Nelson 5. Mel Brooks 6. Dick Van Dyke 7. Bob Dylan 8. Willie Mays 9. Gary Player 10. Demi Lovato
  14. I read some rumor that he wanted more PAC schools than just USC/UCLA and the BIG presidents said no and now he's pissed. Wonder if there's truth to that.
  15. I think if a parent wnts to do things for their children, that's their choice. I didn't ask my folks for much, maybe babysitting when the kids were small. But if they offered? You bet your ass I'm accepting. 20+ years ago, my twins were in preschool and I was drving a 1993 Pathfinder. It was paid off and ran fine, not that it mattered because we couldn't afford anything else. It fit the double stroller and all the other shit. My mom felt differently. "I don't like you driving the kids around in that old car.", she said one day. I told her that's too bad because it's what I can afford. She said she'd trade me her 2001 Mazda SUV for my car and she'd trade it in for something new for herself. Done and done, you bet I jumped on that deal. "We want to buy XYZ for the kids", go for it. "Here's our old [hosehold appliance], we're getting a new one", I'll take it. When I moved into my house 13 years ago, my dad decided to buy us a washer and dryer. He had gobs of money and won't miss it, I said knock yourself out. But I never would've asked him for a dime.
  16. I threw my letter in the trash, as my hot water is now flowing again. Crisis over!
  17. I just put a heater on the pipes coming out of the water heater. Hoping this works. Otherwise, I have to go to my MIL house to take a shower.
  18. Woke up to 6F here in the OKC burbs. Power is fine but no hot water. Cold comes out the tap just fine but if I move the handle over to hot, water flow stops. Only supposed to get up to 20F, fuck.
  19. Who buys food at McDonald's that requires you to use utensils? Straws don't count. And don't say Mcflurry because we all know the ice cream machine is down.
  20. My daughter wanted a specific Keurig coffee maker for christmas, she told us it was available at walmart. I looked at their website, it claimed there was one left at a store across town, one that I hate to go to. I was 100% sure the website was full of shit but we went there and boom, it was right there on the shelf. A christmas miracle, for sure.
  21. Yesterday, I received an even longer longcat text, apologizing for her earlier outburst and explaining how she feels like she needs to go to therapy. I just said "ok" and left it at that. We're all meeting for dinner after Christmas, hopefully it'll be drama-free but not gonna hold my breath.
  22. I made the mistake of texting my sister to she if she had talked to our dad about our christmas get-together. She lives 1/2 mile from him and sees him more than I do, as I live 20 miles away. This innocent question quickly turned into her sending me longcat texts, letting me know that she (and dad, supposedly) are mad that my adult children see my MIL and their maternal grandparents/extended family more than they see my side, and how she feels like an afterthought to them, blah blah. I resisted the urge to blast her about her own kids' bullshit and said I'd ask my kids and get back to her. My daughters are 21 (no pics) and have moved out of my house and have jobs and lives of their own. I cannot control their schedule and don't want to. Now I don't want to go over there at all, I don't want this fucking drama bullshit.
  23. Why does he just happen to have recordings of the events? And if you're in the kind of relationship that behooves you to randomly record your conversations for your own protection, why the fuck are you still in that relationship????
  24. Judging from all of that leg/knee room, this appears to be a tiny child. So I guess they should tell their mom or dad what's going on.
  25. I used on when I was on vacation in London last week. It was the greatest, I fucking loved it. I'd say 60% of men over there were wearing one too. I was so sad when I came back home and I'm too embarrassed to use one now.
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