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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. I recently went to look for some shoes at the outlet mall. They have all the stock on the floor but they didn't have the shoe I wanted in my size, which is 11.5. I know this for sure because I asked an employee. As I'm looking, my wife exclaims "There's a 12!!!", like she found a $100 bill or something. I said I don't wear a 12 so why make a scene? She storms away in a huff. 

    Fast forward to today, it happened again "They have a 12!". I said why do you do this? She said "well maybe having a 12 means they have an 11.5." 

    They didn't.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 25 minutes ago, alincoln said:

    And many do believe that if it is my time, it is my time.  

    We had a bad tornado hit the OKC metro in 2013. I called my dad to see when he was coming to the shelter at my sister's house (less than 1 mile from his house), he said he wasn't going. "If it takes me, it takes me." I didn't bother arguing. 

  3. Do they not make solid colored athletic shorts anymore? I used to go to Nike or Under Armour and get plain black or blue shorts, just one solid color. Now everything has to have a secondary color, usually in the shape of a trapezoid on the side of the leg or it wraps completely around just one of the legs. WTF.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 1
  4. Wife wants this CD, some christian band I've never heard of. She asked me to find it online for her, as I usually just download music online but I couldn't find that one. So I forget about it.

    She texted me today, "I bought that CD I've been wanting". Only after she made the purchase did she realize that none of our PCs have a CD drive, so she can't put the music on her phone. Nor does her car have a CD player. Luckily, I still had an old external drive and she was able to rip the songs. 

    Who the fuck still buys CDs????

    • Haha 1
    • Drool 1
  5. 20 hours ago, MrBig said:

    Today, 9/22 is the 15th anniversary of Gundy’s famous rant. 

    The QB he was ranting about, Bobby Reid, thought it was all a bullshit stunt by Gundy based on how he had been treated during his time at OSU.

    Excerpt the ESPN Article: 

    Or the line of all lines: "Come after me! I'm a man! I'm 40! I'm not a kid. Write something about me, or our coaches. Don't write about a kid that does everything right, that's heart's broken and then say the coaches said he was scared. That ain't true!"

    After Gundy was done, after he'd stormed out saying, "It makes me want to puke," there was hardy applause. Some fans had slipped into the news conference, and they liked the way Gundy had strutted around, the way he'd defended the kid.

    Problem was, no one realized he'd offended the kid.

    Reid says he was caught off guard. Here was a coach who'd been burying him and now he was going to war for him? It didn't add up. "At first, everything [Gundy] was saying sounded real and true," Rajika says. "But I'm a believer where there is smoke, there's fire."

    In other words, Bobby and Rajika Reid felt info in Carlson's column came indirectly from Gundy or his staff. ("I'd have a hard time agreeing with that," Gundy says.)

    In other words, they felt Gundy's rant was fake.

    "Honestly, the way I took it, I felt like it was all a front," Reid says. "That it was all a big show. It didn't feel genuine."


    Reid was a bitch. He came crawling back a few years later and asked Gundy for an assistant coach job, which Gundy gave him. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    People that tell you their name for something and don’t tell me how to spell their last names

    This is with mostly females. Like I’m supposed to know hope to spell Kasprzak and Leitheiser

    Not to mention that we're just supposed to guess how they spell their first name as well. Bitch, do you know how many variations of Katelyn there are?

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 minute ago, camel at sea said:

    Would OSU have left OU behind in the Big 12 if the SEC had invited them instead?  100%.

    Yes. And I wouldn't be sitting here bitching that they wouldn't play us. ou chose texas over us, and that's 100% fine. But don't come back acting like it's our fault. You want to guarantee that bedlam takes place? Don't leave the league. It's that simple. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, camel at sea said:


    You think the year plus of OU proclaiming publicly that they wanted to keep playing Bedlam OOC was a lie? 

    So if your wife was sucking some guy's dick, while also telling you how much she wants your marriage to work...do you believe her?

    • Like 1
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  9. 2 minutes ago, camel at sea said:

    OU wanted to continue playing the series.  OSU can/t/won't clear its OOC decks to make it work.  I can't say I blame OSU on their end.  They've got a few pretty good OOC matchups coming up and they're not the ones who changed leagues. The 9 game conference slate makes scheduling pretty difficult.    

    That shit is like something my ex-wife would say. 

    "I'm unilaterally making decisions that affect both of our lives. Tough shit if you don't like it. Also, I need you to chage your future plans to accomodate my schedule."  Then a surprised Pikachu face when it doesn't work that way.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    This whole thread has blown my mind. I had no idea there were people with such strong opinions about what other people wore. Just absolutely bizarre.

    You should see the threads where people want to ban others from eating a steak if it isn't cooked a certain way.

  11. 1 minute ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Dubuque is the part of Iowa that’s quasi Rust Belt. It’s the oldest city in the state by a century. There was a big push to gentrify downtown in the last 5 years and there have been a bunch of cool bars, restaurants, and a couple great breweries pop up in that time frame. Combine that with the old east coast style row houses, hills, old dive bars, and local mountain bike scene and there’s a lot for me to enjoy.

    My mom was born and raised in Dubuque. I never thought a Scott Frost thread would hit close to home but here we are.

    Al, I've never been to Iowa and I can't ask my mom about it, as she passed years ago. She never really talked much about it. Would Dubuque be worth a visit? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 34 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    Yes, I know they don't have control over politics.  I'm not Sarah Palin.  Just that they understand the details of the UK heads of state better than the stories involving our current and recent heads of state.  

    If my wife started telling me her thoughts on Liz Truss and what it means for the UK, then I would agree with you. But she just talks about the dress so-and-so wore and what some kid's middle name is. These aren't "heads of state" to most people. They are characters in a long running prime time soap. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

    The number of people I've encountered in the last week that are up on every minutia of the British Monarchy, who then have zero idea what the fuck is going on in U.S. politics is staggering

    The monarchy doesn't have much to do with "politics", really. They have almost zero power to do anything. They just hang out and do PR shit, mostly. So women (like my wife) can just have their princess fantasy and not have to think about government or politics. It's just a soap opera for them. Don't overthink it.

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