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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. One of my twin daughters (no pics) moved out last year and tomorrow the other one is leaving. Neither will be far away but still, an empty nest. I got used to them being gone during the summers at their mom's house over the last 10-12 years, so I'm not too torn up about this. I will miss them but I'll enjoy the quiet time with the Mrs. as well. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Why do they not announce trades or put them on the scroll?  It’s really hard to jump in and out. 

    IIRC its because of the CBA, they can't announce trades until they've been finalized. 

  3. I had a small stack of mail that was wrapped in a rubber band. When I got to about 5 feet or so from the outbound mail tray, I gave it a nonchalant flick of the wrist and it flipped and twisted in the air and landed perfectly in the tray as if I had gently placed it there, right side up and facing the right way. Of course, nobody was around to witness it.

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  4. Browsing through facebook marketplace and the number of stupid fucks that can't figure out how to use the words "sell" and "sale" in the right context. 

    "For Sell"

    "It's time to sale this, don't need it no more"

    I hate them.

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  5. My friend's wife was at her boot camp workout place today and one of the guys in her class had a massive heart attack and died, right on the spot. There was a nurse in the class and they immediately went to work on him but he was a goner. He was in his early 50s. My friends and I are all late 40s and we're freaking out a bit. Fuck!

    • Rage+1 1
  6. Went to the bathroom here at the office, headed into the big stall to find that someone had a bout of explosive diarrhea and decided not to flush. I hope that motherfucker dies from dehydration or whatever else they got going on. There's no excuse for leaving that for the next person to discover. 

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  7. 4 hours ago, BabaYaga said:

    One year we tried to surprise him and get his dad's war records

    How does one go about doing this? I'd love to get my grandfather's records so my dad (26 yr USAF vet) could see them.

  8. 5 hours ago, StruggleBus said:

    Can't blame any of the guys that join LIV. $100 million guaranteed to join 8 events? You fucking kidding me? 

    I think it's funny how people fully support the athletes "getting the bag" in every sport but this one. I don't get the vitriol. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  9. 21 hours ago, Sandbagging Steve said:

    And also deal with ESPN saying the real champion is the SEC champion?

    Espn is losing millions of subscribers a year. There are fewer and fewer people that hear what they're saying or care about it. 

  10. Went on a road trip with the wife for our anniversary this past weekend. She doesn't seem to know left from right, can't look up anything on google maps, can't judge distance. It was all I could do to keep from blowing up at her. I did get laid a couple of times, so I guess it was worth it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. My buddy got free passes to the practice round today, so I drove up from OKC to Tulsa this morning. We both commented that it was fucking hot, then realized it was only 90 and that we were old, fat pussies. Saw Sergio and Rahm, drank a $6 bottle of water, then dropped $400+ at the merch tent. Ate BBQ afterwards, had a blast.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  12. My Whirlpool Cabrio set will turn 9 in july and the washer has about had it. It has a slight leak but it's not constant, it's just some of the time. It roars like a lion when it spins fast, I think it's a bearing or something. I looked at prices the other day and fucking hell, I don't want to spend that much. 

  13. 20 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    unless you find it in your heart of hearts to go ahead and kill off 40-60% of global population intentionally

    There's a lot of guys out there with ex-wives, I'm sure we can get a good list going pretty quickly.

  14. I have been monitoring the status on a car that's been "In Transit" since early February (2022 VW GTI). I had called the dealer when I first saw it online, then followed up about every 3-4 weeks via text. Last weekend, I saw they had a very similar used model, so I decided to go up there and look at it. I get there (unannounced BTW) and they guy said that car sold last night but he had the one that I've been waiting for, it had just come in the day before. Test drove it and made the deal. From my arrival to leaving with the car, I was there for 2 hours. One of the quickest car deals I've ever made. Most of the time was spent waiting for the papers to print. They offered 30.5k for my trade, I asked for 32.5k, we settled on 31.5k, which was right at what Carvana, Carmax and Vroom had offered me. I'm pleased with the deal.

  15. I ordered some stuff online from two different vendors (neither amazon), both told me my items would arrive within 2-3 days, which was incredibly quick, IMO. Nothing has showed up yet and everything has been pushed back. Why over-promise and under-deliver? If they had told me it would take 10 days to get my stuff, that's fine. I didn't ask for 2 day shipping. But if you tell me it'll be here in 2 days and now it's been a week and it still ain't here, I'm irritated.

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