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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. I've been talking to this dealership, they don't have the car I want right now. I test drove a similar one and said to let me know when they get one spec'd out the way I want. The boss (whom I've never met) starts texting me to come see a bunch of shit I don't want. I told him what I'm looking for and to let me know when they get one.

    Fast forward 2 months, I decide to check the local dealers and I see a car on their website that meets my needs. And I know it's not "in transit" because there's pictures of it at the dealership. I call to set up a test drive for that afternoon, they said cool. 5 mins later, that boss texts me to say the car is already sold. Then he tries to sell me another car that I don't want. If that prick had called or texted me when that car came in, we would've already had a deal done. Fuck that place, I'll do business elsewhere.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    TIL driving makes one a "man".

    That said, I drive because I have control issues.

    I used to drive for a living. I take any opportunity to sit in the passenger seat and stare out the window or just doze off. It's like a chef cooking all day and then wanting to go home and cook a big dinner. Fuck that noise. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, nnm said:

    it sounds like you’re spending too much time making other repetitive motions with your wrist and arm

    If this were true, I'd have been a cripple by age 14. Besides, this is my left arm and I'm a righty. I don't even do The Stranger, so my southpaw should be as pure as virgin snow.

    • Haha 2
  4. My tennis elbow flared up something fierce last week. I have a sleeve I wear for a couple of hours when it gets bad but I've had to wear the thing for the entire day this past week. Knock on wood, I haven't needed it today. 

    It makes me extra ragey because I haven't played tennis in 25 years. Come up with a better name, docs.

  5. We're going on vacation to Europe this fall. My wife said she wants to put one of those Tile trackers in her luggage to "Keep track of it in case it gets lost on the way over". I said if your luggage is lost by the airline and you track it and it turns out your bag is in New Jersey instead of London, how does that help you? I don't know if she thought she could turn over the data to an airline detective or what. No tone, she just sulked for a minute.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 5
  6. 3 hours ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    In 1979 the Marine Corps basic training that I was given stressed the difference between lawful and unlawful orders and our individual responsibility to know the difference and refuse unlawful orders.

    In 1993, the Marine Corps basic training that I was given stressed that "Jody got my girl". Also, we got bent a lot.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Sam Lin said:

    anyone who voluntarily limits their production is just going to lose sales to a competitor.

    Yeah but the other guys don't have shit to sell, either. I literally can't walk onto a lot and buy a car that I want. Nothing is in stock, they're delayed until God knows when. And every dealer that has something available is charging 5-10k mark up on top. 

  8. I'm working from home this week and my coworker just texted this to me: "Just went in the bathroom and the mailman had his pants down, washing his ass in the sink"

    So go ahead and put that mailman on the board.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 5
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  9. 13 hours ago, troph said:

    the camaraderie from age 7-14 is amazing.  Nothing like it in all the world. I would genuinely rather hang out with my two younger boys over any adult right now. They are that cool to me.

    I remember those days. Then they go from "I want to go where you go and do what you do!" to "I cannot be seen in public with you, nor do I wish to speak to you about anything." almost overnight. I had girls, though. Maybe they're just wired different.

  10. 6 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Ultimately, there is no wrong answer here, though many will think there is.

    I don't drink alcohol. I never have. No religious hang-ups or drunks in my family, I just don't like it. I cannot count the number of people that, when I informed them of this fact, reacted like I had stated that I don't breathe oxygen. They would get borderline offended and try to get me to drink all kinds of shit. These people are just like the "You're not having kids???" crowd.

    I have never understood why so many people want to die on a hill that has no bearing on their own lives whatsoever. If a couple wants to be childfree, who gives a shit? I guess I can understand a parent that longs to be a grandparent but I don't get the busybody at work or a so-called friend that busts your chops about not having a kid. 

    • Hook 'Em 6
    • Like 3
  11. I was 28 when my twins were born. I remember nothing from those first 3-4 months. Having 2 infants sucked so much, but then it got better whan they coud talk and communicate what they wanted/needed. Then it sucked again when they became moody middle-schoolers. Now they're 20 and it's so great. We talk about school, work, friends, how much of a trainwreck their mother is. So much fun.

    But I'd be lying if I said that I never had moments of doubt, if there were never times where I tried to calculate how much money I'd have saved if I never had kids. Or what kind of fun shit I could've done instead of have kids. I don't think that makes me a bad parent, I do that hindsight shit with everything. 

    Just be honest with yourself and each other. Neither choice you make will be wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. I was in the shower this morning and I raised up my left arm to rinse off my armpit. Sudden, intense pain across my upper back, to the point that I couldn't take a breath without it hurting. I had to bend over at the waist to breathe. It lasted 2-3 mins before subsiding into a dull soreness that I'm able to live with. This happens sometimes and the dull pain will last for 4-5 days. Fucking hell.

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