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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. I found a car that was spec'd out pretty close to the way I wanted it, so I got into a text convo with a salesman. He said I could always order one if I didn't like the one they had. I asked if there was a mark-up on orders, he said no. I decided to go up there yesterday, it was 3.5 hours from my house. I figured if they wouldn't haggle on the one at the lot, I could just order one. I told the guy I would be there around 11, he said he'd be there. I get to the dealership, my guy isn't there. Another guy helped us, he was really nice. Showed me the two they had on the lot, I asked about ordering and told him what i was told about no mark-up. He said, that's right, no mark-up. 

    We go inside to do a build and he says "Let me get the manager, he does the builds", so we waited. He came back a few minutes later, looking mortified. He tells me that managment has now decided that orders are getting a 10K mark-up and that they'd only charge me 5K, seeing as I drove all the way out there. He was extremely apologetic and embarrassed. You would think that I would've been pissed, that's what I would've thought too but I was so taken aback that I just laughed. The manager guy didn't even have the nerve to come tell me to my face. We just left and drove home. 

    The wife and I had a fun time during the drive, and I got a beej/laid last night, so not the worst day I've ever had.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 2 hours ago, Carl Spackler said:

    They're pulling the same shit with Broncos.  Ford has definite supply line issues right now.

    I spoke with a dealer yesterday about ordering a Bronco Sport, he said individual orders are about a 90 day turnaround. I guess that doesn't sound too bad. Better than the 2 year timeframe I was told for the big Bronco.

  3. I've been walking the tightrope like Stevie Ray this whole week. My gut has been acting up, really hot gas and wet shit (not the runs). I don't know if I need to lay off the fiber supplement or what. Hope it's over by the weekend.

  4. 4 hours ago, midtown said:
    On 2/9/2022 at 12:48 PM, Chewbacca said:
    Only 10% are charging above MSRP?  Do the other 90% not have any Broncos on the floor?

    Broncos. Raptors. Shelbys. Mach 1s all well above Msrp. 10% my ass.

    In my experience calling multiple dealers the last few weeks, that number is 100%. Lowest ADM I found on a Bronco was $2500, highest was 20k. Bronco sport is +1500, but they're putting on an interior and exterior protectant, so it's totally worth it! Had a couple of places tell me I wouldn't get a Bronco for two years, regardless of mark-up. I also saw a dealership in Arkansas that has +5k on fucking Hyundai Elantras. WTF?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, YChang said:

    But I wonder if some of y'all would be as vigorous in your criticism if she was Scandinavian descent and just won a gold for Norway. 

    It reminds me of when Athens was awarded the 2004 games and they had to scramble to find guys to make up their baseball team. So they recruited minor leaguers of Greek ancestry who had zero chance to make the USA squad. As a person of Greek ancestry myself, I thought it was weak but not exactly a mortal sin. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Bookman said:

    In 2011, I decided that my habit of drinking 2-3 beers a day needed to end. I replaced it with Topo Chico.

    I don't think I was an alcoholic, but I sure drank beer practically every day.

    I remember going to my grandparents as a kid, hadn't seen them in years. My grandfather would drink beer after beer, almost all day, never acted drunk that I can remember, but I was 12 and didn't know what "drunk" was. I went back to see him a few years later and he had replaced the beers with diet coke, one after another. He told my mom that the Dr said he needed to stop drinking so much. I don't think he drank again but he never stopped his habit of draining 12 oz cans all day long. I guess it was a type of oral fixation or something.

  7. Yeah, 1990 or so for me. We'd push my buddy's 1980 Civic down his really steep driveway and when he didn't get it the first time, we had to push that fucker back up again. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I saw Elton John Sunday night. He can't get around very well or hit the high notes anymore but it was still a great show. He had some sort of extended outro or something at the end of Rocket Man that was fucking awesome. 

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  9. I'm at the office and I went to heat up my lunch in the microwave and it was already being used. However, there was no one around. The person came back about a minute after it had finished, profusely apologizing. I wasn't going to take their food out, I don't really feel like I've been inconvenienced but I was still irritated.

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  10. For those of you that ordered broncos, how difficult was it to find a dealer that didn't add the mark-up? None of the dealers have the configuration I want on the lot (not a shock) and what they do have is marked up 8-12K, which I'm not going to pay. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Seen a 2 door bronco today on parmer in that dark yellow color. Love the lines, do want. 

    also saw a maverick a couple of days ago. Gave me explorer sporttrac vibes. 

    I checked out both 2 and 4 door broncos yesterday. I'm pretty close to placing an order. 

  12. Update:

    Bought the $14 Target "extra firm" pillow: fucking joke. It went flat as a pancake as soon as I put my head on it. I tossed it in my kid's room, she doesn't really live here anymore so she'll never notice.

    Went to Costco and they had a memory foam/cooling/charcoal pillow for $29, I said why not. It was ok, nothing great.

    On the way home from Costco, we stopped at a mattress store that had advertised that they were closing the store and everything was 50% off. I found a pillow that seemed to meet my needs, so I asked the guy how much. It turned out that the pillows weren't part of the sale and the Tempur Pedic wonder pillow was a cool $269. We immediately left and I went home and looked for it ebay. I found the exact model on there (I think it was stolen but YOLO), still sealed in the package. I offered $90 and the seller accepted. It's pretty damn great, I gotta say. Here's a link for those that are interested.



    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. I used to work with a guy, his family has a big farming business. He worked there in high school and college. He told me about it one day and I said it was so cool that he's got this family business, why not work there now? He said fuck that shit, he hates it. He wants his dad and uncle to deal with it, he's out. I didn't get it but it made me sad.

    I guess since my sister and I have such a good relationship, I just can't imagine wanting to go to court and fight over inheritance, or just walk away from something my family built from nothing. But I don't have a multi-million dollar family legacy, either. Ignorance is bliss?

  14. On 11/30/2021 at 10:22 PM, Brew said:

    One month into the 16 year old driving and it looks like two mirrors are going to be on her Christmas list.

    My sister did this to my dad's fairly new 1986 Ford Tempo, backed out of the garage and misjudged the clearance. But I didn't know it for years because my dad took the heat and told my mom that he was the one that did it. He never told me the truth until after my mom died, LOL. 

  15. I stopped at this ghetto-ass gas station on my way to work, as they have really good, cheap fountain drinks. I usually pay with the change I have in my truck but today, I didn't have enough. I had to break a $20 and my worst fears came true: The clerk handed me some raggedy, warm bills that looked like they've been hiding in a homeless woman's bra. Or worse. 

    • Haha 2
  16. When my ex-SIL was pregnant with her second son, she said they were gonna name him Hunter. I thought that name sucked but I what I really thought was cool is that their last name begins with an H as well. I said you need to give him a middle name that begins with an H too, so he can be Triple H!  She did not agree, and instead used her maiden name for the middle name, which is dumb.

    When I called my grandmother to tell her I was going to have twin girls, she said great, you can use my first and middle name for their names. I respectfully declined her suggestion but I always tell my kids to be thankful that they aren't named Esther and Elvira.

  17. Yeah, they should've gone with "Washington F.C." and not had an actual nickname. 

    I've lived in OK for 35+ years, heard lots of racial slurs but "Redskin" wasn't one of them. People usually go with "fucking indians" when they want to go there.

    Most of the "natives" I know are just people who claim 1/64 tribal blood. But my coworker is actually 100% native and I asked her what she thought about the Redskin name, she said none of her family had ever thought twice about it. They're more into hating Andrew Jackson and wishing he was removed from the $20 bill.

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