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Posts posted by Sandman

  1. 22 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    A couple months ago a filling sort of fell apart and recently it seems like that tooth is starting to hurt

    Several years ago, I had a fractured molar and had to get a crown. No biggie. Then a few years later, I started having hot and cold pain, dentist says the new crown is cracked (WTF). Got a new crown and later still, had more pain. He says I need to see a endodontist or periodontist, as the new crown is solid and looks to be seated perfectly. I called one of those and after explaining my issue, the gal said she thinks my tooth has cracked all the way down and needs to be removed and replaced with an implant. I said fuck that noise and moved on. Haven't had pain for maybe a year....until this past week. Real, intense pain from anything hot. I think I'm finally fucked.

    TL;DR please go get your tooth checked out and save yourself some misery down the road.

  2. According to reddit: kid took a plea on 12-10, ou offered him on 12-11, OSU signed him on 12-15. I wonder if neither school knew about it right after it happened. His last name in the court records is hyphenated but he doesn't use that name in general. People that looked him up couldn't find a case under his shorter name. Maybe he was trying to keep his shit on the DL?

    Either way, he sounds like a real straight shooter that has upper management written all over him.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. My MIL is one of the sweetest, kindest people on earth but she's got a burr in her saddle about one of my kids that works a lot and has missed some holiday stuff. She read my wife the riot act yesterday and my wife told her that there was nothing we could do, my kid is 20 and does what she wants. After giving my wife an earful, MIL goes down to my kid's work and tells the kid she expects her at MIL's house after work on Saturday. She told my wife that "she did a pinky-promise to be there". I am preparing for the fallout when the kid "forgets" or just doesn't show up. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. Yesterday, I got to hear the wife's reenactment of her harrowing trip to Mcdonald's to get our breakfast. It even included her rendition of the (I'm assuming) handicapped man who's speech was unintelligible to everyone in the restaurant. After a few minutes of hearing her mumble like the elephant man, I said "I get it" to try and speed things up but TONE.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Llogg said:

    I might fuck with plumbing, worst that can happen is I fuck it up and cost myself money, but I will not fuck with electricity. I'm calling a pro for everything more complicated than "plug this into the outlet."

    My mom's father was an electrician. He was also completely colorblind, as in he couldn't see anything but gray. He passed his shitty eye condition down to me, I think it's the only thing he ever gave me. Thanks, gramps. 

  6. I love Christmas but I find that I can't get into the Christmas spirit because it's too fucking warm. It's going to be 80 degrees on friday, WTF. And because it's allegedly winter time, my office has the heat turned on and it's been at least 75 in there every day. Even the old bitches that use space heaters every day are commenting that "Gee, it's warm in here". Fucking hell.

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  7. On 12/8/2021 at 10:18 AM, Scary Stranger said:

    If they had stopped right there, it would have been one of the greatest commercials ever. 

    What in the actual fuck? If my kid came in the house and started tossing shit out of my freezer and put a snowman in there, I'm not gonna just sit at the table and act powerless. I'm throwing the snowman outside and telling her to pick up the fucking mess she made. Just imagining having to deal with some dirty snowman in my freezer for a fucking year has me raging. Fuck that kid and fuck parents that act like a "friend" instead of a parent.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  8. 3 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    i raise him to understand that he isn't going to get any better by surrounding himself with players who are all inferior to him, plus a subpar/unproven coaching staff.

    That's not what I asked and I think you know it. I'm saying you raised your kid and did everything "right", yet he insists on going to a school that you oppose. What do you do?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 29 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    if my son were the no.1 or no.2 overall player in HS football i would never ever ever let him take a giant step backwards by going to play against such inferior competition

    Honest question, because I see this sort of statement a lot: How do you stop an 18 year old when he says "I'm going to [insert college] and that's that" or "I want to play for Coach X"? You gonna quit talking to him? And if he's a top five prospect, it's not like he'll need mom and dad's money to make it through school, so you can't moneywhip him. 

    My dad couldn't stop me from doing what I did when I was 19 (and I sure as hell wished i had listened) but he was there for me when my stupid plans fell apart. Sometimes, that's all you can do.


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  10. 43 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    Seems he’s only 24yo.  Dude did a great job.  

    Ive been around at my employer almost 20 years and have had that tight-throat feeling when someone name drops, but 99% of the time if you’re in the right it all works out…and when talking to the exec about it later they’ll say ‘you did the right thing, that persons just an asshole who likes to speak for me’, dependasaurus-style. 

    I've had people that call in and want special treatment to fix something they've fucked up, which I decline to do and then they name drop the Big Boss and I always assume they're full of shit. And then there's those 2 times that they weren't kidding and they called the BB and he made an executive decision and let that shit roll downhill for us underlings to eat. Such a great feeling!

    • Like 1
  11. My daughters are 20 (no pics), one works and goes to school full time, the other has 2 jobs. It is difficult to get their schedules to align for family things like Christmas or thanksgiving. So far I've had my dad acting like I didn't care to have a family gathering because I don't know when my kids are available, my sister act like one of my kids is actively trying to avoid Christmas, my MIL is upset because she didn't get to see both kids at thanksgiving and doesn't feel it's fair that my family gets to see both kids on both holidays. I don't know WTF these people expect from me. Yes, my kid with two jobs should've made arrangements to have at least one afternoon off but she didn't. I didn't think about family shit at 20 either, so I'm not here to judge. My sister was texting me some bullshit about it, though, and I just wanted to say "Yeah, it sucks she works 2 jobs, maybe she should give one of them to your 30 year old son, who can't be bothered to get one for himself because he's a fucking loser" but I took the high road. 

    Now I get to have a separate Christmas thing for each kid. Nobody is really happy, so I guess that means it's fair. Fuck.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 1 hour ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Fuck you.

    I just HAD to be named after my dad, making me a "Jr".  I don't understand, he hated the name too, but gave it to me.  I always went by my middle name and kicked anyone's ass who called me by my horrible first name.

    Side note: almost wound up named after my grandfather and dad, would have been William Wallace.

    I'm named after my dad but I have a different middle name, so I'm not a junior. But any of my dad's collegues or friends that would meet me would say "oh, you must be Jr" to which I'd say no. They could not grasp the idea.

    • Haha 1
  13. On 11/29/2021 at 6:53 PM, pops said:

    i don't think it's as much the chemical withdrawal as it is the pavlovian urge to keep up the routine

    I quit smoking in March/April 2001 but for several years, I'd catch myself sticking a pen in my mouth or holding one in my hand like a cigarette. I had zero urge to smoke but for some reason I couldn't stop going through the motions. 

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  14. 9 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    Windows Spotlight doesn't work for me so far. I like seeing the rotating images on my startup screen. Need to fix that

    I made the switch to 11 when it dropped. Spotlight was working fine until just a couple of days ago, not sure what's wrong with it. I also have issues with the screensaver turning itself off and with the pc not going to sleep when scheduled.

  15. On 12/10/2021 at 6:46 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    On November 16 -- two weeks before the school shooting -- "multiple concerned parents provided communications" to Wolf "with concerns about threats to students made on social media," the lawsuit alleges, without specifying the source of the alleged threats.

    I'm not blaming the parents but did they contact the police about this? If some guy is on FB threatening to do some violence at work, I'm not gonna call his boss, I'm calling the cops and filing a report of some kind. IDGAF if it's a kid, a hot chick or an old man, I'm making some noise about it.

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